SOMA Terra Synthesizer In-Depth Review

In his latest loopop video, host Ziv Eliraz takes his usual in-depth look at the new SOMA Terra, a unique synthesizer that SOMA describes as “a highly conceptual device”.

Behind the extremely simple interface hides a complex polyphonic, microtonal synthesizer, with a broad and flexible sound palette that ranges from classical beautiful tones to complex atonal noise, with smooth and fast transitions between these extremes.

Like other SOMA instruments, the Terra is not designed to compete with other traditional electronic instruments, but to explore new territory. Or, as Eliraz notes, “It’s not the best of a certain regular category, it’s its own category. ”

Topics covered:

0:00 Intro
2:20 Note sensors
3:30 Timbre sensors
4:10 Pitch shifters
5:30 Gyro
6:15 Holds
6:40 The Triangle
7:30 Envelopes
8:00 Effects
8:35 Sea & sun
9:10 Engine controls
10:50 LFO & Arp
12:00 Presets
12:50 Connectivity
13:30 Synth params
17:00 Evil synthesis
18:35 Church organ?
20:15 Dist. ecstasy
20:50 Gyro feedback
21:00 Drum synth
21:20 FM
21:55 Rate @ 50%
22:20 BASS
22:35 Smart glides
23:10 Expressive 303
23:30 SOLO
24:25 Formants
24:45 MIDI out
26:55 Pros & cons
29:30 Outro

Check out the video and share your thoughts on the SOMA Terra in the comments!

The Terra is expected to be released some time in 2023, with pricing TBA. See the SOMA site for details.

43 thoughts on “SOMA Terra Synthesizer In-Depth Review

  1. Glad to see that SOMA Terra is branching out with respect to electronic music unlike other manufactures who are still rooted in their old ways. I am still on the limb waiting to see how popular this product becomes.

    Here is some free marketing: If a Soma Terra plays in the forest and no one is a around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    1. Yes I do, but I’m weigning up the pros and cons of an Osmose as it truly is an evolution of the keyboard synth.
      Pacifist genius and telnyashka wearing Vlad Kreimer doesn’t get my cash this time.
      (see Youtube video titled ‘PULSAR-23 (SOMA laboratory)’ 4m49s for enthralling shots of Vlad’s telnyashka. I’m sure he’s only wearing it ironically?)

        1. How long can you keep this going? Surely you’ll grow up one day?
          It undermines Synthtopia’s reputation and exploits its good faith.

        1. Definitely a possibility.
          But Vlad’s 96 page book ‘Redefining Conscience in an Era of Rapid Change’ has no mention of it.
          So can you find any evidence to back up your suggestion?

  2. I had no interest in this but hen I watched 15 minutes of this explanation and listened to the sounds it makes and now I’m hoping to get my hands on one. Looks so fun to play.

  3. Yeah… so I have to cheaply admit.. I want one.. but pricing is wha t has prevented me from diving in so far.

    1. They haven’t announced the price…so not knowing the price has kept you from diving in to being interested in it?

          1. Riiight, dig your heels in.
            Jeff said the price is prohibitive. Do you think he pulled a price out of thin air or has heard SOMA staff discuss the price?

      1. Why would I wanna play it? From the shape of the wood to how everything is placed it all looks like something I want to avoid. I’m not sure how big the components inside are but I wouldn’t be surprised if this device could’ve been a lot cheaper, smaller and easier to control with a simple plastic case.

    1. Yeah, it is so horrible with innovative people that are thinking out of the box and is making something beyond the designs we see from others, that often are just duplicated designs from the past.

      1. Whilst I agree with fake Sonic, it’s not on my wishlist because a pacifist, genius or not, in times of war is actually a coward.
        Mr Kreimer should be using his talents to either help Ukraine expel the invaders, or to support Putin. His actions suggest he’s torn between the two.

        1. This is about a beautiful synth not any of the negative whataboutism you talk about, Calling me fake says more about you since i have used this nickname since 2006. Something tells me you have no idea how the comment system works on synthtopia.

                  1. So you can or can’t give a link to any posts you’ve made on Synthtopia or other comments or forums using that moniker?
                    If you need to provide screenshots then please use a file upload service. Surprise, surprise, I don’t want to stick my personal email address on here.

                    1. The fact that it took you 3 days to reply and stil havent found out to make a free gmail amazes me. No i think ill stick to this nickname like glue. Your Honor | Case closed

                    2. “The fact that it took you 3 days to reply and stil havent found out to make a free gmail amazes me. No i think ill stick to this nickname like glue. Your Honor | Case closed”

                      lol, such a hero!
                      So that’s exactly no evidence and a crap excuse.
                      Which isn’t a surprise given the juvenile level of every other of fake Sonic’s comments.
                      I sincerely hope you direct your creativity more towards your audible efforts than your written ones.

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