Warp Records has announced a new EP by Aphex Twin (Richard D. James), Blackbox Life Recorder 21f / in a room7 F760, scheduled to be released July 28, 2023.
The EP features four tracks:
- Blackbox Life Recorder 21f
- zin2 test5
- in a room7 F760
- Blackbox Life Recorder 22 [Parallax Mix]
In addition, Aphex Twin has released a video for Blackbox Life Recorder 21f, embedded above, featuring video art by Art by Weirdcore.
Blackbox Life Recorder 21f / in a room7 F760 is available to pre-order in CD, vinyl and digital formats.
Sadness Joy Movement Change. Thank you Richard, moving track.
Love this vocals!
Cellos are also fine!
I like the Cowbells.
Although I think there could, and indeed should, be more Cowbells in there.
No one titles a track quite like RDJ.
We actually do, but not after they’ve left our “drafts” folder
Ha! Too true!
Not to diss on AT in anyway.
His music just hasn’t evolved.
No matter the different tunings, different FX he uses.
There’s a world of musical stuff out there AT could have blended in to make his music more evolved more fresh.
I couldn’t disagree more.
When you’re as far out there on the edge as RDJ is your evolution is going to be much more subtle than evolution occurring when you’re standing in the middle of it all.
@ IOSisdrone
How is AT RDJ far out on the edge ? Far out where. Edge of what ?
maybe he doesn’t know AT exist, he should come here more often
I’d have to agree
Been a huge Aphex – Warp Records – “IDM” fan since about 1995
For me Aphex at his best is Richard D James era, I Care Because You Do – the mid to late 90s
Not that this isn’t good – it’s just a bit meh in comparison
Why should it be different? Do you realize how much electronic music, software instruments, vst, hardware has been developed over the last 20+ years to try and make his style of sound? If one percent of the electronic ‘Artists’ approach their work with as much originality as he has, we’d be seeing a very different musical landscape.
What an arrogant and stupid comment. Every electronic musician we have today has been influenced by Richard–directly and indirectly.
Good stuff! Think this kid going to be gnocchi!
Junk badmixed boxy drums, teenage 90s cheesy idm pads & sir. Holy vocal cords, nothing new to see here and i really cant grasp how people can still find this type of outdated music amusing
Your surely trolling, right?
“Outdated music”?
Like Beethoven or Bach, The Beatles or Beach Boys. Yeah, no one’s listening to those outdated guys anymore.
hahaha…it’s hilarious when someone thinks their opinion about anything is the “right” opinion.
“Junk badmixed boxy drums, teenage 90s cheesy idm pads & sir. Holy vocal cords,”
exactly! so gooood
Your expectations are for him to do what exactly and why?
When you and a select few pretty much defined a whole genre of music,
and the style you produce in is beautifully represented in the same minimalist and complex juxtapositions as always, why and who is he supposed to be ‘making it better’ or different for?
1010 gets the best endorsement in all of electronica. Blackbox sold out everywhere in 3…2…
More of a SAW II fan, but I like this a lot.
Do you people love AI visuals?
They aren’t AI. He’s worked with the same artist for decades.
Love his drum programming to death. It drives so hard and is full of twists and turns that resolve into an amazing groove.
As usual, boom blix boom boom shrang… yup. Same thing he has been doing forever. Thought the jungle/drum n bass fad was gone?
I think it would be very helpful if he listens to my work Song Of The Youth, which is electronic music, and a young boy’s voice singing with himself. Because he would then immediately stop with all these post-African repetitions, and he would look for changing tempi and changing rhythms, and he would not allow to repeat any rhythm if it were varied to some extent and if it did not have a direction in its sequence of variations.
your work is a vst in a box.
Yes! ?
A young boy.
‘He’ doesn’t need to listen to your music! Go find a local club, party, venue, work hard and share from a grass roots level for 20 years and then come back and comment about ‘He’ should….
So he should hang out with me and my mates, that would be a laugh, I’d be
quite into having him around.
Nice, but it goes on a bit
I think my Stylus RMX does this kinda stuff. Wait, let me scroll though the umteen thousand pattens…yep, there it is
I always enjoy an AFX post on the site for the absolute muppets who come out to comment on how terrible, boring, past it, etc. one of the most important artists in the history of electronic music is.
HUH??? One of the most important artists in the history of electronic music? Way of a stretch there. Average at best.
You couldn’t have illustrated my point any better.
? Fanboy detected ?
And whatabout is wife? I heard she is russian…
oooh dear where is the cancel button, your’e offending the babies bred on presets and glitch machines that emulate the originators. So many wannabees criticizers claiming to have an original thought makes me laugh!
Do you reckon he can dance
When you say important you should say in which sense, in which ways.
Yes! you must
Exactly. So much hate here.
Just to translate a few comments here:
“I’m mad this guy is wildly more succcessful than I am, or ever will be.”
Earth champion! represent us at Via Galactica 13.7b