Michigan Synth Works shared this sneak preview of their upcoming Gnot DIY synthesizer.
Details are to be announced, but the Gnot appears to be closely modeled on the Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) Gnat synthesizer, a low-budget synth design from 1980. Even though the Gnat has a limited synth engine, paired with cheap build quality, it’s a fun synth, that sounds good and has an iconic look.
The Gnot has a knockoff name, but looks to be a faithful, full-size clone of the original.
Pricing and Availability:
A barebones Gnot PCB kit is available now for $200.
The company plans to also offer a Gnot case, knobs and other parts in the Fall. Details are to come at the Michigan Synth Works site.
Skeleton hand, lol!
looks cool, but having to source all additional components on top of 200$ is a bit much
Oh but synthopiaists! Will agree that is totally worth it since this is a clone…not a Knockoff like those from the evelish Beh….company ;-).
PS. With this economy brother, I will go 100% for the ‘Knockoffs” not only for the price but because so far none of them has disappointed me so far and me and my pockets are Happeee with them!
Not a knock then?
I can predict that the question many would ask themselves:
“Why would I spend 200 on a unfinished DIY project, when I can buyer a more complex finished build WASP from Behringer for less?”
Why learn to build anything, when you can just buy a cheap version from a Chinese factory?
We should just waddle to Walmart for our part-time shift stocking container loads of disposable junk, then waddle home with a burrito and bag of Doritos to make fart noises with a table full of $99 toys.
Correct, I think some people are more focused on making music, than building instruments.
Also keep in mind, that not everyone is successful with a soldering iron. DIY build is not a guarantee of a successful build, it all depends on the builder.
Yup i’ll take the Wasp
I’ll take it in the wasp
I think Michigan Synth Works is doing a lot of really cool stuff, and I’m excited about this product. There are always cheaper alternatives, but if that’s your main interest, then move on. I’ve really enjoyed following their progress on this product development, and I look forward to grabbing one of these kits soon.
commenters: glad to see a company cloning older hard to find and expensive synths
also commenters: behringer does nothing but rip off old, hard to find and expensive synths
People who defend beringer (always beringer costumers
): I decided to buy a beringer product but im not at ease about this decision so I’m trying to justify it in comment sections no matter the relevance.
If I eat a burrito and a bag of Doritos, I can save the $99+ and make my own fart noises. Bass notes are easy. Higher pitches require broccoli.