The Spectacular Soft Synths Of The Commodore Amiga

Paulee Alex Bow (Magical Synth Adventure) shared this video, digging into the history of the Commodore Amiga computer, introduced in 1985, and the software synths of the platform.

“I made a video about the very first polyphonic, subtractive soft synth available to the public,” notes Bow. “It was made possible by the unique soundchip of the Commodore Amiga computer. The video also features other interesting Amiga software synths.”

Have you used the Commodore Amiga for music making? If so, leave a comment and share your experience!

7 thoughts on “The Spectacular Soft Synths Of The Commodore Amiga

  1. 500 and a 2000(with full blown Toaster) back in the day. Many hours playing Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back!

  2. Nice.
    I was always an Atari STFM man though myself.
    I still used it up until about 18 months ago when I sold it.
    Brilliant thing for handling Midi.
    Not so familiar with the Commodore Amiga, but hopefully I will be when I watch Paulee’s video.

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