Hacktribe Offers Open Source Alternate Firmware For The Korg Electribe 2

Hacktribe is an open source, alternate firmware for the Korg Electribe 2.

Note: The project, created by bangcorrupt, is unofficial firmware, so it’s unsupported by Korg – use at your own risk. The developer notes, “This will always be a hack. Each new feature is a bug.”


  • Sampling
  • Filters
  • Oscillators
  • More IFX, grooves, scales
  • Import/Export IFX, grooves
  • Expanded MIDI implementation
  • Custom init pattern
  • Supports synth and sampler hardware

See the project Github site for details.

If you’ve used Hacktribe, share your experience with it in the comments!

via Andreas Markusen

6 thoughts on “Hacktribe Offers Open Source Alternate Firmware For The Korg Electribe 2

  1. my heart skipped a beat when seeing this…
    but its not clear to me if this is just the more than a year old version, or is this a long awaited improved update?

  2. Up yours korg for creating abandonware again. It is updated from the original version, best of all access to fx parameters.
    And a simplified gui to create the firmware. Try it , it’s good.

  3. when this came out i obtained an electribe for this. i thought this might actually be a very good option compared to other grooveboxes on offer. The hacktribe update process was a bit cryptic to me though, and the machine in original state gave me enough for the time being to play with and get acquainted with it’s u.i. Also i understand that one would loose the original oscillators and / or samples. Is there a fix that? I searched but info in either written or video form seems still a bit lacking to me. I’ m quite eager to try though. Any info very much appreciated.

  4. Installed without any problems om my e2s , make sure you follow the instructions for the right working order & you Will be just fine !

  5. J’ai la première version du hacktribe sur une synth bleue (e2) ça tourne très bien mais je n’ai plus le glide. On m’a donné le firmware déjà patché car je ne suis pas un adepte du codage. Si jamais quelqu’un a un patch plus récent pour la synth je suis preneur

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