New SSL 2261 Modulation Orgy Module Lets You ‘Sync In, Orgy Out’

Synthetic Sound Labs has introduced an updated version of Modulation Orgy LFO Eurorack module, 10 years after the release of its original 2260 Modulation Orgy.

The Modulation Orgy is a unique Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) that lets you sync in, orgy out.

It features manual and external voltage control over LFO Tempo (speed), tempo Multiplier, Waveform and Waveform Distortion.

Eight Waveforms are produced, including Sawtooth, Ramp, Rectangle, Triangle, Sine, Sweep, Lumps and Random with morphing between adjacent waves. Waveforms can also be further modified using the Wave Distort controls.

Not Your Dad’s Orgy Module

The 2261 Modulation Orgy features new firmware that offers improvements, such as waveform morphing and random wave slew, and the new module width is now only 8 HP (half the width of its 16 HP predecessor) and is available with either black or silver faced panels.

SSL calls the Modulation Orgy “the most fun you’ve ever had with a LFO!”


  • The 2261 can produce 8 morphing waveforms, including a random (sample & hold) wave with variable slew.
  • All the waveforms can be altered by the wave distortion CV.
  • It also includes a tempo multiplier. This is combined with the tapped tempo to allow the LFO frequency to be set at a multiple of the tapped rate. The available multipliers are 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4. This allows half- and double-time, and triplet times.
  • The LFO tempo, multiplier, waveform selection, wave distortion, and output level are all voltage-controlled.
  • The LEVEL CV input responds linearly to 0 to +5V and is normalled to +5V so that with no input, the 2261 outputs are at maximum. This convenient input can frequently save a separate VCA when doing voltage controlled modulation depth.
  • The SYNC input can accept clock pulses from other equipment, which allows the 2261 to be synchronized to other devices.
  • A CLOCK OUT which can be used to drive other equipment, allowing a tap-tempo controlled clock for an analog sequencer or drum machine, for example. A phase reset on the first tap to the tap tempo input allows you to keep the LFO on the beat with a single tap.

Pricing and Availability:

The SSL 2261 Modulation Orgy is available now for $250.

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