Luma-1 Drum Machine Hands-on Demo (Linn LM-1 Clone)

In this video, Deft Audio’s Andrei Kudryavtsev demos the new Luma 1 Drum Computer.

Joe Britt & Roger Linn with their drum machines

The Luma-1 is designed to be an authentic, full-size recreation of the Linn LM-1, designed by Roger Linn in 1979. The Luma-1 recreates the original design of the LM-1, with the same audio path (with the original vintage DACs and filters) and running the original LM-1 software.

In addition to recreating the original LM-1 hardware, the Luma-1 adds a secondary processor, to add features not available in the original, like loadable sounds, USB connectivity and MIDI.

The Luma-1 is a passion project of Joe Britt, founder of Afero, which makes an Internet-of-things platform for businesses.

Pricing and Availability:

The Luma-1 will be priced at $4,999, the original price of the Linn LM-1. Orders will be manufactured in the order they arrive and delivered starting later this year. Details on kits are still to be announced. See the Luma-1 Overview for details (Google Doc file).

19 thoughts on “Luma-1 Drum Machine Hands-on Demo (Linn LM-1 Clone)

  1. Admin: You are using multiple identities (Uli, Albert Einstein, Fat Poly Man, Roger Linn JK, Einstein, Freekshow Industries JK, Odysseus, etc) to spam the site.

    Your comments are flagged for moderation as a result and this is a waste of our admin’s time.

    If you want your comments to appear on the site in the future, use a consistent identity and contribute comments that are on topic and constructive.

  2. Hm. Lots of clacky-clicking, much words, nauseating phone motion while recording video — and then when — at last! — a sound emerges, it sounds no different than a $3.99 iPad drum app.

    1. A guy makes a labor-of-love reproduction of the Linn LM-1. Some random commenter on the internet insults it because he doesn’t have a clue about the amount of effort and skill involved, nor why anyone would want a hardware clone of the original.

    2. If you’re answer to “I don’t like this thing” is “Well, you’re poor then” or “You’re just like my ex-wife” (no surprise there) then maybe quarantined to your home “studio” with a behemoth of an expensive sampler is just where you should be 🙂

  3. As the price is high it’s also should have been an upgraded integrated more up to dat version
    As Linndrum is extremely good I would have go for an extended new approach
    As there are very good samplers that can use the original wav samples from a
    Linn drum to manipulate and sound aswome
    Or Elektron MK1 quality can replicate sound like it
    And The best vst version I know is the Vprom by

  4. While I don’t need a hardware replica of the Linndrum and am covered with VProm and Samples from Mars, I appreciate that people take immense time and effort to create beautiful machines like this. For someone deeply in love and obsessed with the sound of the original Linndrum, a sample pack or software emulator will never be enough, and those people are the target audience for replicas like this one. I own the Re-303 for the same reason and have an 8raw8 on the way, too. If it doesn’t make sense to you, that’s okay. It’s not for everyone.

  5. Alexander is right about target audiences. If something fires up your imagination, you find the bucks and make it a centerpiece. In fact, I recommend buying a couple of big-deal instruments. They not only tend to perform at a higher level, but they point the way towards smarter additions as you go. I’ve come to prefer software, but it seems sensible to have a hybrid rig with a little of everything.

  6. I feel sorry for anybody that settles for a crappy knockoff or virtual version of their dream instruments, when shit like this is available.

    This thing is fucking awesome. It’s not my personal dream gear, but the LM-1 is your jam, this thing is straight up tits.

    1. You did notice that his studio has modern cheap Behringer products (RD-8, Pro-1, CAT)?

      Sometimes even crappy knockoffs aren’t crappy.

      I wonder if he’ll also buy their forthcoming LM-Drum.

      BTW I do think this machine is quite an achievement, and I hope it does well. Its real competition is the Isla S2400, another modern take on a classic with more compelling features for a lot less money.

      1. There’s no reason you can’t appreciate crappy knockoffs and pro gear alike, as long as you recognize that you get what you pay for.

        I’ve got a few Behringer knockoffs (RD-8 mk1, ‘D’, 960) and they’re simultaneously fair deals and crappy knockoffs. Everything about Behringer’s copies sucks – the build quality, the way they look, they way that they work. It’s like they’ve got engineers working on them that have never played a musical instrument. But you can’t argue that they are not fair deal, at the price.

        If you want to see vintage synth clones really done right, though, the Tiptop Audio Buchla modules are astoundingly good. They make the compromises of Behringer’s knockoffs painfully obvious.

        The build of the Tiptop Buchla modules is great and faithful to the originals. I’d argue that the 200t series improves on the originals, in spite of the reduced size, because aligning with Euro standards makes them more flexible to patch.

  7. I feel the price actually is far too high.

    I own a linn drum, it’s no longer working, i’m considering sending it to bruce at forat for fixing.

    i’d like this luma 1 i really would, but i just could not justify what is being charged for this, i could afford this financially as i’ve saved some good pennies over the yrs. but I see no reason to be unreasonably charged for an exclusivity tag.
    I mean that as kindly as one can.

    The luma 1 certainly seems reasonably good as replicas go and is ftom an excellent pedigree, but….This is still not a an actual linn drum no matter when all is said and done.

    For as good or what an alledged labour of self vested love this clone is, the price is Not reasonable in 2024 for the likes of this drum machine, plus i do not think in any way that roger linn Actually endorses this luma 1 officially, i feel strongly that a citation of verification would be required from mr linn.

    No no matter what any body iterates £2500-£3000 at Very most would seem much more appropriate during this period for a machine such as this.

    I am sure more than enough profit would be generated therein, i do feel strongly that hobbyiests and professionals alike should not be priced out of this market over imagined kudos value related to the re-imagined versions of vintage electronic instruments.

    That way you can misguidedly alienate And reduce numbers of people whom can or would buy such a machine, because a certain snobbery exists within this sphere where gatekeeping of the idea of worth and actual reality of worth are often unmatched and falsely vaunted to keep ordinariy musicians Out!!

    Often times i see customers making or stating feelings or opinions on such matters whom would not ordinarily be able to afford vintage purchases of this calibre, being closed down arbitrarily and often are Still pushed out from obtaining lovely equipment such as this pricewise and otherwise.
    i’d ask the makers of the luma 1 to try to at very least fully bear in mind mind and many other peoples feelings on this subject the importance of feelings.

    Resonable prices allow people to be included, especially during cost of living crises.
    Linn drum is exclusive to some extent the name the stature the instruments themselves,, and regarding all that, i feel it could be a positive move to reconsider your high price tag, and rather than play to the wealthier middle class sector, i feel and think you could try thinking of including many dis included musicians who might like or love to have some thing such as this for a more realistic price perhaps, by researching more, you may garner many more sales and fans of your product with much respect in the long term.

    Music is for all of us!! and not just the wealthy!! any longer.
    I shall not purchase the luma 1 on a point of principal, I can afford the luma 1, but i just dont see why the 1980 price tag applies as a linndrum owner, who would have purchased the luma 1 had the cost been more reasonable.

    The people making this replica do look and seem like really nice lovely truly earnest enthusiastic intelligent young men who care deeply to create the best that can be created.
    However too high an asking price, but i do wish you Very very good luck and best wishes and many sales, me? I’ll just stick originals.

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