Novation Circuit iPad Patch Editor For touchOSC

Deepsounds has released NC Editor, a touchOSC patch editor, patch generator and patch manager for the original Novation Circuit and Novation Circuit Tracks.

While optimized for the use on an iPad, NC Editor also runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.


  • Access to all patch parameters of the Circuit synth engines (>300)
  • Support of both Circuit Tracks and OG Circuit
  • Optimized design for iPad (but also runs on windows, macOS, android)
  • Sophisticated patch generator that lets you quickly create complex sounds.
  • Patch manager to save, load, copy and paste patches on your Circuit, even across packs (tracks only)
  • Hhardware controller support for Novation LaunchControl XL and Akai MidiMix

Pricing and Availability:

NC Editor is available now for €5.50. A free demo version is also available. Note that the controller requires touchOSC.


One thought on “Novation Circuit iPad Patch Editor For touchOSC

  1. Switched to the iPad more and more lately- but now I’ve got the Circuit out of the drawer again 🙂 Really nicely done, love playing around with the randomizer – lot’s of strange noises, which is fun, but also some actual useful sounds! Recommended!

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