Roland has introduced GALAXIAS, a new software synth, available exclusively on Roland Cloud.
GALAXIAS runs as a standalone application on macOS and Windows. It will also be available in VST3 and AU plug-in formats for DAW music production soon after the initial release.
Within GALAXIAS, users can work with any instrument on Roland Cloud and instantly access a vast searchable library with over 20,000 ready-to-play sounds. From historic icons such as the JUPITER-8, TR-808, and D-50 to modern instruments like ZENOLOGY and SYSTEM-8, GALAXIAS harnesses Roland’s evolving sonic legacy into a single “Super Instrument”.
GALAXIAS provides the ability to layer up to four instruments and create massive “sonic superclusters” called Scenes. Every layer has its own key range, transpose, and MIDI input settings, plus a dedicated arpeggiator.
Macro controls offer simultaneous operation of up to 128 parameters via internal LFOs or an external MIDI controller. Scenes can be organized in Setlists for live performances, complete with gapless transitions for a seamless stage experience.
In addition to the formidable effects within each individual instrument, GALAXIAS provides two insert effects per layer and two global send effects. A growing collection of authentic Roland and BOSS effects are on hand, and it’s possible to route layers to various external destinations for further processing.
The inspiring GALAXIAS interface has been carefully forged for rapid creativity and instant satisfaction. Everything is logically organized, making it simple to go deep and quickly translate ideas into great-sounding tracks. Users can delve into a single instrument layer, tweak the complete set of parameters, and get the experience of using the original hardware with Roland’s classic instrument plug-ins. With the full-screen Immersive View, the focus can be toggled between the entire Scene and an individual instrument or effect using a single click or key command.
Availability & Pricing:
GALAXIAS is available now, exclusively with the Roland Cloud Ultimate membership, which is $199 annually or $19.99 monthly.
Roland has simultaneously takin’ the cake & throw in the towel for it’s user’s & collector’s of their retro gear it seem’s folks
I’d have to go nearly all-Roland to justify this one, I think. I have a couple of Cloud things and a couple of outside versions that stand-in well for my earlier hardware, so it’d be overkill. I also prefer Korg’s approach of just selling you the instrument. Having a patchwork of different things is more fun.
This is not going to do well for them.
I had Cloud for a few months when I got my Aerophone, but there was no content in it at all for windsynths past a handful of free expansions. This seems like it would be a cool standalone, but I’m not subscribing to your VST.
My opinion is that Roland is trying to take market share from Arturia, who with the Keylab series is a step ahead, because of the controllers, and the main thing is not with a subscription but standalone, without subscription commitments, which the makes it even more enticing to prospective buyers. And of course the Arturia bundle prices are much more affordable. Admirable effort by Roland but not enticing enough.
Roland Product Meeting:
“Have you heard of Arturia?”
“Yeah they do vintage modelling”
“WE DO THAT TOO! Tell me more”
“They have this Analog Lab thing, it’s like a wrapper with presets for their existing plugins”
“Lets copy it and try to make out it’s a new thing”
“Ok, as the Roland Cloud VSTs are like rubbing glass in your eyes with usability and registration”
“Oh no it’s going to be in the Cloud”
“So, we are going to wrap presets from the cloud plugs, keep the same terrible always asks you and puts you off using them authentication and you still need to harvest the kidneys of your first born to sell on the black market to pay the ultimate subscription?”
“Yes, but you can layer them”
“You can layer VSTs”
“Users don’t want to have to load 2 things and assign both channels to it. That’s too many clicks”
“Ok, I give up”
“Let’s get a UI knocked up and start getting it out to the YouTube guys to act as if it’s new and ramp up the hype machine”
So there we have it a macro wrapper for existing plugs, with a space / void like name and nothing new for any Roland cloud users over the bottom dial cross VST mapping of macros.
Roland. Jupiter 6, CR78, VariPhrase Sampler, V-Synth… give us something we want, not put mudflaps and seat covers on the OG ACB.
Hello Steven, this is Mr. Suit from Roland. Please DM me regarding an exiting employment opportunity at Roland corporate headquarters,.
200$ per year, so if you’ll use this for 5 years, you’ve spent 1000$ and still own nothing.
No thanks, I’d better go for a hardware synth that is mine for that money, which I could use forever or resell and without this “cloud” hassle.
I wish Roland would just let you buy the software. If you just want one plugin, you’re stuck paying more per year than what you’d pay for a DAW subscription.
Should I sell my Jupiter-6, Jupiter-4, JX-3P, Juno-106, and SH-101? I would then be able to afford a lifetime subscription to Roland Cloud. Of course I won’t be able to gig with a self-contained keyboard, and jam sessions will become more complicated. Is controller+laptop the new way synth players should expect to work?
When all you have to offer is a painful stack of virtual emulations of your 50+ years legendary hardware, maybe it’s time to move to another business
Only available to ultimate subscribers and stand alone only (not a VST)
Seems to be of limited use and only available to a few…given Roland haven’t added anything for over a year to cloud subscribers this seems very weak.
“Galaxias Super Instrument” is a hell of a name but it should be a hardware synth the size of a room
Does it do PMA5 though ?
I’ve been searching and searching and cannot find info if this actually has all the respective sound engines (ACB, DCB, ABM) or if this is just zencore “model packs” (aka samples) on a new zencore UI.