Elektron Can’t Stop Releasing Free Updates For The Analog Rytm, Adds Euclidean Sequencing & More

Elektron can’t stop releasing free updates to the Elektron Analog Rytm, including both the current model and the original Rytm, introduced back in 2014.

Today, Elektron released Analog Rytm OS 1.70, a free update that adds new sequencing options, five new machines, new synthesis parameters and more.

Here’s what’s new in Analog Rytm OS 1.70:

  • Euclidean Mode – Euclidean rhythms come from algorithms that divide ranges of time into equal parts, controlled by three parameters: steps, pulses, and offset. Elektron has added two Euclidean generators that you can combine to create complex patterns on your sequencer. Giving compositions so much unique adaptability, and so much potential for unexpected fun, all at the twist of a knob.
  • New machines – There are five new Machines arriving on the Analog Rytm, bringing it up to a whopping 33. The additions include:
    • HH LAB, a laboratory for the most outrageous of metallic experiments.
    • SY CHIP, inspired by the SidStation, Elektron’s very first machine.
    • BD and SD ACOUSTIC offer new options for kick and snares synthesis.
    • SY RAW, a versatile favorite from Syntakt using Rytm waveforms, that can conjure deep bass tones, towering leads, and melodic percussion.
  • New parameters – Four existing machines are getting new parameters to play with:
  • Square waveform has been added to BD SHARP’s WAV parameter.
  • A new pitch envelope parameter has been added to BT CLASSIC.
  • Two new pulse width parameters are available in both CB CLASSIC and CB METALLIC.
  • With the arrival of new melodic machines and even more parameters, it’s only natural to add refined tuning, hi-res semitones, pad scales, and fold functionality when using the pads in Chromatic mode.
  • Page loop – The newly added Page Loop lets you work continuously with a specific sequencer page. Easily replay the page and take your time to get the sound just right, or go nuts in a live setting by adding tracks in and out of the loop.
  • Other features include sound saving from sequencer trigs, random Slew option for LFOs’ RND waveform, customizable record length for sequencer in sampler, advanced parameter lock preview, random pattern name generator, GUI improvements, and performance improvements.

Analog Rytm 1.70 Video Guide:

Pricing and Availability:

The Analog Rytm OS update is available now as a free download. Through November 30, the Rytm is available for 1599 USD / 1599 EUR.

5 thoughts on “Elektron Can’t Stop Releasing Free Updates For The Analog Rytm, Adds Euclidean Sequencing & More

    1. Polyend did add new features in firmware updates. Not sure why you want them to look bad.
      If you people buy gear, knowing that it lacks certain feature expecting them to be added in firmware updates (without being promised) then you’re doing it wrong. You might want to stick to a computer or tablet instead.

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