Audio Modeling & GPU Audio Team Up To Accelerate Physical Modeling Synthesis

Audio Modeling and GPU Audio have announced that a partnership that they say “promises to redefine the possibilities of virtual instrument technology”, by using state-of-the-art GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) technology to enhance the capabilities of Audio Modeling’s SWAM (Synchronous Waves Acoustic Modeling) product line.

GPU Audio has pioneered using the powerful GPUs found in modern computers to accelerate audio software, instead of just graphics. Benefits include:

  • Low-latency VST3 performance regardless of channel-count
  • Real-Time (instant) Audio processing
  • Performance gains for AI and ML algorithmic use cases
  • DSP power that is orders of magnitude greater than CPU

The SWAM engine combines concepts of Physical Modeling and Behavioral Modeling with the Multi-Vector/Phase-Synchronous Sample-Morphing technique to combine the realism of sampling with the flexibility and expressiveness of physical modeling.

“Our partnership with GPU Audio represents a colossal leap forward in the realm of virtual instruments,” says Simone Capitani, Partner at Audio Modeling. “The increased computational power will enable us to surpass the existing limits of technology, fostering the development of even more lifelike instruments. In the world of physical modeling, the possibilities are boundless, and we believe we are only at the beginning of something truly extraordinary.”

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