Eventide Intros PolySynth For H90 Harmonizer Multi-Effects Pedal

Eventide Audio has introduced PolySynth, a fully polyphonic guitar-to-synth transformer for the H90 Harmonizer multi-effects pedal.

The new PolySynth algorithm applies the proprietary SIFT (Spectral Instantaneous Frequency Tracking) technology found in Eventide’s Polyphony, Prism Shift, and PolyFlex algorithms, and builds on the earlier work done for the HotSawz pitch-tracking monophonic synthesizer algorithm, to deliver polyphonic waveform synthesis.

Sounds created with PolySynth can recreate the input into a full-on synthesized sound or be blended with the source tone, for a wide range of effects.

See the Eventide site for details.

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