Synthstrom Audible Deluge Gets Torrent Of Updates With New Open Source Firmware

Synthstrom Audible’s Ian Jorgensen lets us know that Deluge Community Firmware v1.0.0 (Amadeus) – open source firmware for the Deluge – is now available.

The open firmware runs on all hardware versions of the Deluge (7SEG and OLED), and includes a torrent of updates, including:

  • Automation View
  • Drum Keyboard View
  • Grid (Session) View
  • Master Compressor
  • Stereo Chorus Effect
  • Grain FX
  • Wavefold Distortion Effect
  • New LFO Shapes: Random Walk and Sample & Hold
  • New Sync Modes: Triplets & Dotted
  • Probability by Row
  • Quantize & Humanize
  • Norns Layout
  • Manual Slicing aka ‘Lazy Chopping’
  • Load Synth presets into Kits
  • Display Gold Encoder Values
  • Quick Scroll
  • New LPF/HPF State Variable Filters: SVF Notch and SVF Bandpass
  • Filter Routing is accessible via the Sound Editor menu
  • Quantized Stutter
  • Increased Modulation resolution
  • Sticky Shift
  • Adjust Metronome volume
  • Batch Delete Kit Rows
  • Send and Receive SYSEX messages

“At Synthstrom, we are blown away by all of this,” notes Jorgensen. “We can’t wait for all of our users to try these new features.”

See the project site for details.

16 thoughts on “Synthstrom Audible Deluge Gets Torrent Of Updates With New Open Source Firmware

    1. Yeah would always have liked more functional visual feedback on the OP-1

      Most of the synth/fx interfaces are just stupid and pointless

      The ADSR is the only one that really jumps out as being on point

  1. This evidence of a successful community that have come together around the Deluge! Synthstrom should be commended for fostering this kind of user-led development by allowing open-source of their firmware…. this bears many fruits

  2. Well, that’s what you get when you give people control of their instruments. You get free workforce who do it out of love. Not surprised with the result – proud of it tho, especially synthstrom themselves for making this leap.

  3. As buggy as it may be, its still awesome. I know that seems backhanded but there are bugs galore but you ignore them cause it goes with the territory and everything is extra and free. If my MPC is buggy after an updatee, F%#k you pay me. But with the deluge, its such an aesome device, you take it with a grain of salt knowing its backed by a commited developer and a team of passionate open source wizards.

    1. It’s been VERY well used tested. I’ve not had any issues since the GM version… Its pretty damn solid, and not fair to call it buggy! Have you experienced otherwise on this version?

      1. Yes. I have actually. Nothing to cry about which is why I said its still awesome. Before and after this firmware. I’m in the forums, I send reports and how to reproduce, etc. I’m in the loop. Could be my SD card, could be the Drumuge (i do think thats the culprit for a lot of my issues pre-open firmware) Either way, almost every device has bugs, this is the only one id deal with. But I will mention it in a conversation about firmware, thats for sure, otherwise I might as well start a youtube channel and be an influencer for free gear, you knwo that game.

    2. What bugs are you finding with the community firmware? I’ve been testing it and using it live for the last few months. It’s arguably more stable and capable in most cases than the official firmware at this point. If you’re finding bugs I know the devs would love to fix whatever they can.

    3. Are you saying you’re having issues with the community firmware talked about here? I’ve been testing that for months and it’s only gotten better and more stable—arguably more stable than official at this point. If you’re running into bugs the community devs would love to know more so they can fix it, I’m sure.

  4. I really want to love this thing but I’ve hardly seen anyone making it sound really good.
    Still awesome they went open source with this though. More companies could follow example.
    I do hope they’re working on a new box with larger screen and more premium controls.

  5. I really DO love this thing. And one can make it sound really, really good. Check out `Boards Of Deluge´ for example. Some very tasty patches there. And that is “only” the internal synth engine…For me the Deluge is more sandbox than groovebox – you have to know what you do to get great sounding results. The synth and audio/sampling engines and the sequencer are very powerful & versatile. Also, the Deluge has almost no limitations in tempo, dynamics, subdivisions, modulation, automation etc. I think this is something very unique. It doesn’t tell you where to stop. Also, the controls are totally premium. You just have to get used to them 🙂

  6. “Deluge has almost no limitations in tempo, dynamics, subdivisions, modulation, automation”

    I wish someone would make some tutorials about these exact subjects on the deluge and even in this order, there are some good tutorials by Ron, but I’d like even more basic tutorials at an even slower pace because Rons tutorials seem to have alot going on and move quickly, not to mention there seems to always be alot more than the deluge in the screen shot so it’s a little distracting.

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