Source Of Uncertainty Announces Official Buchla 200 Series Module Reissues

Roman Filippov of Black Corporation, creators of high end analog synths like the Deckard’s Dream, announced today a new venture, Source Of Uncertainty.

The new company specializes in reissues of Buchla 200 series modules from the 1970s. Source of Uncertainty is the official store for Buchla Classic Reissues.

These are full-size reissues of Don Buchla’s original designs. The line lets Buchla 200 owners expand their systems, and already includes enough modules to start a ‘new vintage’ system.

Here’s what they have to say about them:

“BUCHLA CLASSIC REISSUES SIGNIFY A RETURN TO PRODUCTION OF THE ICONIC COMPOSITIONAL AND PERFORMANCE TOOLS, using original parts wherever possible, plus minor adaptations for greater low-noise performance and reliability and component availability.

We ship worldwide, direct from the engineer.”

Buchla has been working with Filippov since 2022, when they first announced their 200 series reissues.


Source Of Uncertainty modules are available now.

Note: Many of these designs are also being released in more affordable versions in the smaller Eurorack format, through a partnership between Tiptop Audio and Buchla. The SOU versions are full-size reissues of the originals.

7 thoughts on “Source Of Uncertainty Announces Official Buchla 200 Series Module Reissues

    1. Huh? This is licensed by and manufactured for Buchla, not a knockoff. There is no other series of Buchla 200 4U modules, this is it.

  1. Seems charging exhorbitant prices is fine as long as it’s an original reissue of museum pieces. Design something really new for a change, that would be more fitting for the name Buchla.

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