Recreating The ‘Lost’ ARP 2500 Modules In Eurorack Format

This video, via Rob Keeble of AMSynths, takes a look at ‘lost’ ARP 2500 modules, and adapting them for Eurorack format.

In 1970, Tonus (the precursor to ARP Instruments) released their first catalog, which included details of the 2500, with a detailed explanation for each production module. They also included a list of sixteen modules they planned to make, but only the 1036 and 1045 modules made it into production.

Keeble worked with Behringer on their line of Euro format ARP 2500 module copies. Keeble notes that, “When designing the Behringer 2500 modules in 2019, we did consider making some of these ‘lost modules’, but we didn’t think there would be sufficient customer demand, and there were very few examples to base the designs on.”

Now Keeble is revisiting these lost designs, and recreating the more interesting ones in Eurorack format.

You can find out more at the AMSynths site.

One thought on “Recreating The ‘Lost’ ARP 2500 Modules In Eurorack Format

  1. Rob is THE BEST!!!! THE BEST JERRY!!! seriously, Mr Keeble has done some awesome work, and will continue to enrich us all – super-satisfied customer!

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