Moog Spectravox In-Depth Review

In this loopop video, synth expert Ziv Eliraz offers his take on the new Moog Spectravox synthesizer and vocoder.

The Spectravox Semi-Modular Analog Spectral Processor is an all-in-one synth voice and vocoder, and is the Moog’s fourth device in the Mother-32 Eurorack format.

The Spectravox was originally introduced as the Engineering Workshop project at Moogfest 2019.

Topics covered:

0:00 Intro
1:20 vs Workshop
1:55 Overview
2:55 Oscillator
4:00 Synthesis Filters
6:00 Spectral Shift
6:20 Shift LFO
6:45 VCA & EG
7:05 EG Triggers
7:25 Hiss & Buzz
7:50 Vocoder mode
10:20 Intelligibility
10:50 Hold
11:05 IDEAS & TIPS
11:15 Pairing menu
11:40 Polyphony!
12:35 Non-vocal mod
13:20 Ping the filters
13:40 Play the filters
14:05 Gate mode?
14:40 PWM FTW
15:30 Filter EG
16:00 VCO as mod
16:35 Beat to trigs!
17:30 Pros & cons
19:00 Some sounds
20:00 More sounds!

Pricing and Availability:

The Moog Spectravox is available now for $599 USD.

10 thoughts on “Moog Spectravox In-Depth Review

  1. Finally a compact analogue vocoder that doesnt cost an arm and a leg! This might be the first moog desktop I’ll buy

  2. Very nice!

    Personally not into vocoders that much tho.
    Waiting for the labyrinth(!) and mirror(?) moog semimodulars.

    1. me too
      but as a multi band filter and multi band audio to cv converter it is intresting
      I don’t like this form factor but i guess this is moog now

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