Behringer Syncussion SY-1 Now In Production

Behringer shared this image of a shipping pallet, stacked with boxes of their upcoming Syncussion SY-1 synthesizer, an unofficial copy of the Pearl Syncussion SY-1.

The company didn’t share any comment other than ‘Getting ready…”, but it appears that the Behringer Syncussion Sy-1 is now in production.

The original Syncussion, above, is a 2-channel analog drum synth, designed to be triggered by drum pads and used as part of a drum kit. Behringer’s copy is reformatted to their standard Eurorack form factor, and adds a MIDI input, but otherwise appears to be a close copy of the original.

Here’s a demo of an original Pearl Syncussion SY-1 in action, via Sound Provider:

Pricing and Availability:

Details on pricing and availability of the Behringer Syncussion SY-1 drum synth are to be announced.

16 thoughts on “Behringer Syncussion SY-1 Now In Production

      1. And by making it sackable the form goes from two systems stacked to two systems from left to right. The former is easier to read and manipulate and there’s not much scanning between the systems. The original form factor is an easier experience on the eyes and I’d argue probably easier to play because of its form factor.

        The behringer unit is rackable this is true, but being rackable is not the only consideration. The form does affect its function and its playability.

      2. I would prefer the playability of the dual systems stacked on top of each other. It’s much easier to controls the systems in line of sight in the original form factor.

        I would take that over rackability, that form makes playing this particular synth architecture harder.

        1. I don’t have unlimited desk space, being able to mount things is essential for me.

          Having the modules side-by-side over stacking is a question of taste…in my opinion

          1. Performance potential isn’t a matter of taste and you can tell by looking at the original video that the Syncussion is easier to perform stacked vs side-by-side. There are thing you cannot physically do with the side-by-side arrangement when it comes to this specific synth.

            The syncussion’s performance potential is limited by eurorack format with a single faceplate in a way that the Model D conversion to eurorack is not (not in the way I’m arguing).

            If the Behringer Syncussion SY-1 was two systems in a skiff connected through the backplane so you could optionally stack them vertically it would at least allow you to play them stacked and get the benefit of the proper framing of the instrument.

            I would not say it matters in every case, but the form mattered with the syncussion in regards to physically playing the device.

  1. “unofficial copy” shows potential inner growth, so credit where it’s due, and when you preface with ‘out of copyright’, you’ll have it drama free spot on.
    Keep up the good work.

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