GliGli Overcycler Hybrid Polyphonic Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

GliGli shared this sneak preview of the upcoming Overcycler hybrid polyphonic synthesizer.

The Overcycler is intended to be an affordable DIY polysynth. Here’s what they have to say about it:

“Now that there are cheap SMT clones of the SSM2044, I thought I could finally make this synth an affordable and easy to build DIY. My idea is to offer this synth as a fully soldered (almost) entirely SMT PCB, and let the users wire the panel (10 potentiometers, a 40*4 character display and a 16 keys keyboard) and build the enclosure.

For now, it’s hard to give a cost estimation, but let’s say it would (probably) be around 200€ for a fully assembled board (add less than 100€ for the rest).”


  • 6 voice polyphony using hybrid synthesis (Digital “single cycle” oscillators / per-voice analog VCF and VCA).
  • 2 synchronizable oscillators per voice, duty cycle modulation on any waveform, dual waveform mix modulation, “girth” modulation (from a subtle veil to “ring modulation”-like sounds), 80KHz sample rate for a clean sound by default.
  • 3 complete envelopes with lin/exp choice and looping (oscillators/filter/amplifier).
  • 2 complete LFOs with 6 modulation destinations.
  • 1 noise generator.
  • Voice panning on the stereo output.
  • Sequencer / Arpeggiator.
  • Patches and single cycles (AKWF, ProphetVS, …) stored on an internal flash chip, accessible through USB mass storage.
  • USB powered with USB MIDI and regular MIDI.

Pricing and Availability:

The Overcycler is expected to be available in the next few months as a DIY kit with a pre-populated PCB for around 250€ or fully assembled for around 300€.

8 thoughts on “GliGli Overcycler Hybrid Polyphonic Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

  1. i was hoping it would be closer to something like the old Rozzbox

    this is just another bread and butter synth.. which is fine .. it seems nice enough

  2. I believe this GliGli is also the guy who reverse-engineered the SCI Prophet 600 firmware, rewrote it from scratch and finally turned it into a useful piece of gear. Skillz!

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