sonicLAB PolyNodes Features ‘Cutting-Edge Generative Sound Synthesis Engine’

sonicLAB has introduced PolyNodes for Mac & Windows, described as “a cutting-edge sound synthesis / generative audio platform”.

PolyNodes treats sound spatially:

  • Each sound material generates a unique 3D geometric entity based on the macro, meso and micro level onset time analysis.
  • The engine features multiple playheads, known as node agents, equipped with advanced re-synthesis and signal processing techniques to navigate on the 3D entity.
  • There are multiple navigation strategies to chose from for the macro, meso and micro level agents.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

“PolyNodes transcends traditional sound design by expanding two-dimensional waveforms into a dynamic 3D spatial navigation experience.

PolyNodes extracts and analyzes the temporal properties of the input sound and maps them in a 3D space to create a visible geometric structure.

This pioneering approach allows to identify key sound moments as geodesic points or nodes, interconnected through a network of triangulations. The result is a multi-scale complex sonic navigation through its input material.”

PolyNodes Tour:

Pricing and Availability:

PolyNodes is available now for €139,00 EUR.

8 thoughts on “sonicLAB PolyNodes Features ‘Cutting-Edge Generative Sound Synthesis Engine’

  1. Can you input your own samples or do you just use their presets? Is that what the input sample operation does? The jargon filled videos are confusing.

  2. I love the clippy floppy sounds, I’d need to see more examples for other applications. How far out can you get from a traditional grain synthesis method with interesting modulation beyond the spatial aspect of this synth?

  3. Great they are exploring new ideas.
    Dont have time or brainpower to learn this myself,
    but I want to hear all the music produced by others with this

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