Moog Labyrinth In-Depth Review

In his latest loopop video, host Ziv Eliraz takes an in-depth look at the Moog Labyrinth synthesizer, the fifth synthesizer in the company’s line of monophonic synths in Eurorack/standalone format.

Eliraz digs into the sequencer first, demonstrating how you can control the level of randomness and also the scale of sequences. He also demonstrates how you can do this in live performance, interactively generating new sequences and then, if you like, locking them in.

Next, he dives into the Labyrinth’s synth voice, explaining how it’s unique among Moog’s synthesizers and how its features contribute the its unique sound.

Finally, Eliraz shares his take on the pros and cons of the Moog Labyrinth. “There’s not much to compare this to,” he notes, adding that you’d spend a lot more trying to build similar functionality using individual Eurorack modules, software options wouldn’t provide the Labyrinth’s hands on control.

He also notes that  the “Labyrinth sounds completely different from any other Moog.”

Topics covered:

0:00 Intro
1:40 Overview
5:20 MIDI
6:00 In the box
6:15 Sequencers
7:30 Flipping bits
8:10 Corrupt
8:45 Bit shift
9:05 CV Range
10:20 Save & recall
10:55 Qtz Scale
12:10 Chain seq
13:50 Advance
14:10 Combos
14:40 Oscillators
15:25 TZFM
16:20 Mixer & mods
17:20 Folder
18:20 Filter
19:15 Routing, blend
21:15 Envelopes
22:15 EG trig mix
23:05 Duophony – drums
25:20 Duophony – melodies
25:50 Square wave?
26:30 Pulse wave?
26:50 PWM?!
27:50 Fold tip
28:15 Tuning
28:50 Modes, scales
30:30 Looping AD env
31:10 Osc sync
32:15 Polymeters
32:35 Polyrhythms
33:15 Drone mode
33:30 Pros & cons
36:30 Sounds & sequencers

What do you think of the new Labyrinth synthesizer? Check out the video and share your thoughts in the comments!

23 thoughts on “Moog Labyrinth In-Depth Review

    1. He never told you to buy anything. His reviews barely have his opinion; it’s like he’s reading the manual for you, giving you the info so you can decide for yourself and he nails it every time.
      Take responsibility for your buying choices instead of believing he only does sponsored reviews. That’s just another shady ad tactic by a company he refuses to support because they pull this kind of crap.
      Yes, he has morals – more than I can say for a guilty customer trying to hide behind excuses.

        1. Admin: Personal attack deleted (name calling, etc).

          Keep comments on topic and constructive.

          Readers are always encouraged to share any opinions and criticisms they have about THINGS, but we PEOPLE.

          1. Personal attack?! Where?! What is constructive?! What is criticism, how do you define it?! Man, you are afraid of your own shadow, let’s not offend the little flowers. People, you are losing your sense of reality. Btw you forgot to delete Le Poop too, in french you put Le in front of the Poop

            1. As always, Synthtopia encourages all views about THINGS, but will delete attacks on PEOPLE, when we see them.

              The nickname “Le Poop” is mocking the name of a Youtube channel, not a person. So it’s not a personal attack and there’s no need for us to moderate the comment.

              For example, if someone responded to you with “Your comment makes you sound like a drama queen!”, that would not be a personal attack, because it’s mocking your comment. We would not moderate it.

              But if they responded “You’re a drama queen!”, it would be a personal attack, because it’s mocking you. We would moderate it.

                1. Your comment makes you seem disingenuous and a total bummer to be around. If you dont have anything of substance to say, keep it to yourself. Youre more than welcome to fling le poop at a mirror elsewhere.

    2. Sounds like you would like to be influential yourself. How about starting your own channel and serving the community with videos that are done the way you think they should be?

  1. The merit of this one lies in your ability to find a line between playing it and letting it play itself to some extent. You know if this fits your goals or not. This sort of instrument is something I’d use very sparingly. I’m wary of things that make it feel too easy. People who sync 5 boxes and let them burble along don’t interest me much.

    That said, it strikes me as being very solid, with attractive purpose. Its a weird Moog, but still a proper one. Ziv’s reviews are among the most sober & useful around. I don’t know what the goobers are cackling about. Between him and Nick Batt, I always get a useful overview.

  2. Yo I’m going to moderate y’all till you can see the good sense in being well mannered,
    And y’all get a nice inner glow.

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