Make Noise QMMG Now Available Again

Make Noise let us know that their QMMG Eurorack module is available again, with the 2024 Black & Gold Edition QMMG.

The Quad Multi-Mode Gate is a ‘riff’ on the original Buchla 292 Quad Lo-Pass Gate. The QMMG offers additionally: HiPass mode, Voltage Controlled Feedback, Direct Coupling and Normalizations so that multiple channels may easily be used together to create Bandpass Gates, steeper HP, BP or LP Filters, and even something like a traditional Synthesizer Voice Architecture.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

“The legendary QMMG returns, in a limited run! Launched in 2008 and initially only available until 2010, the QMMG (or Quad Multi-Mode Gate) has taken on a near mythical status in the world of Eurorack modules for its sound, feature set and abundance of Vactrols. A small run of QMMGs (reissued with Black & Gold faceplates) was created for the Make Noise 10-Year anniversary here in Asheville in 2018, and the current 2024 Black & Gold Edition represents the first time QMMGs have been available in shops for over a decade!

We built as many QMMGs as we could source parts for, and we are shipping QMMGs to dealers worldwide— they will be available for purchase on September 9, 2024.”


  • 2024 Black & Gold Edition
  • Vintage voiced, all analog
  • Four independent vactrol-based channels
  • Multiple modes per channel: VCA, Low-Pass Gate, Low-Pass Filter, or High-Pass Filter
  • SUM out for easy mixing
  • Flexible normalizations for easy creation of dual-peak filters, East Coast voices and more
  • Powerful feedback circuit acts differently depending on mode
  • Pairs well with MATHS and DPO
  • Module width: 24hp
  • Max depth: 32mm

Pricing and Availability:

The Make Noise 2024 Black & Gold Edition QMMG is available now for $699 USD.

10 thoughts on “Make Noise QMMG Now Available Again

      1. If you wouldn’t “donate” so much money to a self-proclaimed billionaire, then you wouldn’t have to buy knockoffs.
        Not to mention that you could support an USA based business instead of one with their HQ in the Philippines, manufacturing in China.

    1. Hardly comparable in anything other than that they make electronic music gear

      Make Noise don’t make affordable music for the masses

      This is going to be a limited run of the QMMG so not mass produced

      And while it might be relatively good value in eurorack terms, it’s still pretty expensive for most people

      1. Actually yes Make Noise does makes affordable music for the masses; they have released some of it on their own label.
        Plenty of companies make affordable gear and do so ethically. Unlike You Uli who makes junk to fly off the shelf that sometimes doesn’t even work and are more interested in controversy than accessibility for all, as You claim.
        You claim that You make gear cheap for people that can’t afford other brands – that’s Your selling point right? When that gear malfunctions or doesn’t work properly, does that person have the money to send it back, deal with that headache? It’s better for them to just buy a quality product for 50 quid more. Do Better Uli. Be like Make Noise.

      2. Make Noise stuff isn’t ‘relatively affordable’ by eurorack standards.

        It’s vastly overpriced.

        This is a prime example, the price is ludicrous.

        Same for Optomix, a trivial circuit that is priced absurdly.

        Bruxa is even worse, far better PT delays can be had for less than half the price.

        Make Noise modules aren’t bad by any means, but they are absolutely marketed at a certain demographic with a collectors mindset and wads of disposable income.

        Remove the MakeNoise logo and silly graphic and its becomes 25% of its RRP… it’s all about the image.

  1. They should have just sold it direct IMO. They’re allocating a maximum of 11 units per dealer, and the dealers I’ve spoken with are getting hammered with demand to the point they are having to turn away long-time great customers.

  2. Shout out to money Maker Rolando!

    I too just made an absolute killing from these things ?
    ? ? ?

    All of which will be spent on proper modules

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