At D23 – ‘the ultimate Disney fan event – the cast of Tron: Ares came on stage to share a brief look at the film, and revealed that Nine Inch Nails is doing the soundtrack.
NIN’s Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross have scored many films under their own names in recent years, including Academy Award-winning scores to The Social Network & Soul. As Nine Inch Nails, their biggest soundtrack has been their classic score for the video game Quake.
Disney’s Tron series of films has a track record of featuring electronic soundtracks. The original Tron (1982) featured a soundtrack by pioneering synthesist Wendy Carlos. The sequel, Tron: Legacy (2010), featured a soundtrack by Daft Punk.
Tron: Ares is schedule for release in October 2025.
Looking forward to this – but the scores for these movies are always better than the movies themselves.
The Dude abides
I don’t know about you but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ he’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.
I was just thinking the other day we need another Tron movie. But what if Jeff Bridges got zapped into the wrong video game and found himself in Donkey Kong?
….AND my brain just exploded.
A second sequel to my favorite childhood movie, being scored by my favorite teenaged life period band.
For me, Mr. Reznor became the subject “Piggy” of his own creation with the same name (on downward spiral album). He is no longer the protagonist he claim to be. On which he exudes the frustration he used to feel against a world that has been governed by hegemonic institutional control.
Again, for me. I think I’m excited for the news, but in my heart, it doesn’t feel ‘right’ this communion between NiN & Disney. Perhaps it s just a reflection that there are very few electronic artist that have something meaningful to share and we as listeners, are craving for something ‘new’, no matter the source of it.
Buy a couple million copies of his last record and maybe he will make another one.
The character in The Downward Spiral was never meant to be seen as a “hero” or “protagonist”. It was a deeply disturbed and conflicted character at complete odds with the world.
You are not supposed to want to be like the character. You can relate to and feel for him/her, but the idea is to cope with the issues that cause you to be there.
In that sense, maybe Reznor has finally broken free of The Downward Spiral?
a band i never listen to, in a movie that i will never watch. another excellent article!
we think alike.
Sid, c’mon man. There won’t be any “message” from Trent on this project, he’s just putting non-lyrical sounds/music to a movie. He’s likely a fan of the OG as many of us older-timers are.
Tron lives on to this day in SPITE of being owned by Disney, not because of them. Disney neglected it for about 20 years before they had to cave in and make a sequel because the fanbase demanded it.
You are right brother. And I do agree. it will be always better to have music to have no-music at all. However it is hard to ‘match’ Reznor n Disney…you know?
Reznor & Ross have already demonstrated that they can score for big, mainstream movies – including Disney movies – and come up with music that is very creative and unexpected.
he does much better soundtracks than original albums
I’m VERY okay with this.
I just read somewhere else that Daft Punk was doing the soundtrack again.
I’m sure the soundtrack will be awesome.
However, it’s Disney so the film will be wank.
They’ve already ruined Star Wars and Marvel due to oversaturation and pure greed.
Andor is some of the best Star Wars storytelling ever created.
Star Wars fanboys think Star Wars is crap if it doesn’t live up to Episode IV or V. They’re forgetting that George Lucas put out a firehose of Star Wars trash (The Christmas Special, Ewoks Battle For Endor, etc) and lot of mediocre stuff, too (prequels, animated series).
Andor was great precisely because nobody uses The Force to solve any problems that matter.
Thank you, you just proved my point.
Throw enough shit around and some may stick.
With all the movies and TV series they’re released of course 1 will resonate with someone.
To you it’s “Andor”. I genuinely mean no shade when I say I’m glad you enjoy it. If it brings you some happiness in your life then that’s great.
Personally, I don’t have the time to invest in all the different offshoot series.
I watched series one of the Madolorian and thought it was okay.
It was more “Star Wars” than the 3 mainline films Disney released.
However, that’s not what most people think of when Star Wars is mentioned. It’s usually the movies, and the one’s by Disney are wank.
I don’t want to be too negative on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, so please have fun. Play your synths, go mental on your drum machines, watch Andor. Whatever.
Have fun and take care.
It sounds like you may not be familiar with Sturgeon’s Law.
90% of Star Wars – before and after George Lucas sold out – is garbage. People just blame it on Disney now.
Andor and Rogue One are in the 10% that rises above the garbage.
Also – it’s strange to think that Disney will ‘ruin’ Tron, when it was Disney that created it to begin with. And the sequel was actually good, too!
I’m looking forward to a Disney movie soundtrack that has a parental advisory sticker on it.
Using instruments that needs to be plugged into the wall does not always mean “parental advisory”?
Like any human with good ears, I love all of Trent’s (and Atticus) creations. Although I had doubts when I saw the last time that they had done the music for Ninja Turtle, and yet the result was magnificent.
I rather want Nine Inch Nails on a score for this than another Hans Zimmer
Eh, I want for Wendy Carlos to rise from the historical background and do something like this, with all that she could bring to the table. Too bad she hates the inevitable MP3s like they were Satan Jr., so the chances are way slim. She’s one of the primary godmothers of popular modular synthesis.
NIN never grabbed me much because I’m too far from the target listener, but I still liked giving it a try. Trent’s work has big ol’ muscles that deserve their fame.
Who care? Reznor is moneygrab and y’all know it. Bleh. Listen to KFW at least.
mmm…Disney? No, thank you. We will get a movie in which half of characters are homosexuals and not because of the plot but in a nonsense fashion just because a multi-billion lobby decided this way. The other half will be women hating men for some other nonsense decided by the same lobby. NO, THANK YOU.
When people say that MAGA Republicans are weird, this is the sort of thing that they are talking about – people that get offended by everything and acting like the biggest crisis facing the world is diversity.
“Get off my lawn!!!!”
First of all I am not a MAGA Republican given that I am Italian (and I live in Italy) and I do not give a damn to US Politics. Moreover the world is diversity indeed but homosexuals are a small percentage of world population, not half of it.
You are more than welcome to visit my house (and my lawn) because I do really celebrate diversity (opinions included) but I warn you: It would be a serious debate for educated adults…maybe something you are not fit for.