AM1013 Octave Fixed Filter Bank Recreates ‘Lost’ ARP 2500 Module

AMSynths shared this demo of the AM1013 Fixed Filter Bank – another in their series of 10 ‘lost’ ARP 2500 modules.

The AMSynths modules complement Behringer’s line of ARP 2500 Eurorack copies, and are inspired by ‘lost’ ARP 2500 designs from 1970.

The AM1013 Fixed Filter Bank features eight 12dB fixed band pass filters in parallel, each with “a nice gentle resonance”. It offers individual outputs, mix outputs and a bypass feature.

See the AMSynths site for details.

2 thoughts on “AM1013 Octave Fixed Filter Bank Recreates ‘Lost’ ARP 2500 Module

  1. This is great stuff. Is Behringer producing these now under Rob’s old company name because most people know ulis knockoff junk is dollar store quality and sure you’ll pay 50 quid but a jack or two won’t work and you won’t get support – or is this Rob’s quality seal of approval. It’s hard to read all the blurred lines here. The knob colors look cool!

    1. Our understanding is that Rob did design work for Behringer on the 2500 modules, but these are his own, produced to his own specs.

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