Erica Synths Intros Graphic Resonant Filterbank & Expander Modules

Erica Synths has announced two new modules, the Graphic Resonant Filterbank and a companion module, the Graphic Resonant Filterbank Expander:

  • The Graphic Resonant Filterbank (FB) is a ten-band analog filter bank, with digital control over each bands’ boost or cut. Each band can be controlled individually via CV or manually, while complex control configurations turn the filter bank into an unconventional multimode filter and even an instrument in its own right, when played with various resonance settings.
  • The Expander module (works exclusively with the Graphic Resonant Filterbank and is available separately) provides hands-on adjustment of boost and cut for all bands.

Graphic Resonant Filterbank Features:

  • Analog 10 band filterbank
  • Saveable presets for filterbank, filter modes, dynamic EQ, and resonance settings
  • Main, even and odd outputs
  • Manual and voltage-controlled band boost/cut
  • Configurable resonance feedback loops
  • Manual and voltage-controlled resonance
  • Clock input for synchronization of events with a master clock source
  • Multimode filter mode
  • Spectral analyzer mode
  • Dynamic spectral compressor mode
  • Discrete and morphing pattern change
  • Configurable CV inputs
  • Expander module for immediate access to band levels
  • Skiff-friendly design

Pricing and Availability:

The Erica Synths Graphic Resonant Filterbank & Expander Modules are expected to be available Sept 9th, 2024, with the following pricing:

7 thoughts on “Erica Synths Intros Graphic Resonant Filterbank & Expander Modules

  1. Ooh, this looks / sounds awesome.
    Not a module I NEED at the moment. However, it will open up a lot of possibilities.
    I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on this one .

  2. On reflection it’s probably a bit too much. There’s too many buttons and options ad the screen should be bigger and more colourful. Sounds really kool though, perhaps a firmware update will solve these minor issues

    1. Are you saying they will remove buttons and options and add a bigger screen in a firmware update? Wow, the things that can be done nowadays are incredible.
      Seriously though, are you the imposter?

  3. I think it’s the dream of any friend of filter banks. A Doepfer filter bank was one of my first modules, but the buttons are rather stiff. I added a bypass switch for better comparison. But still it never really was the tool I wanted. The Doepfer filter bank is a good value, but rather for static settings.

    Now there’s the Erica Filterbank. With CV input for each band! This is new.

  4. Nice to see it is tuned the same as the original Serge Res Eq it’s clearly based upon, the digital control definitely moves the concept on it into interesting new territory particularly with the opportunity for presets. I’d be keen to hear how the sound stands up to the Serge Modular iterations.

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