Giorgio Sancristoforo Intros Nakama Performance Looper With Tape Disintegration Effects & Surround Sound Support

Developer Giorgio Sancristoforo (Gleetchlab, Berna, Bento) has introduced Nakama, a performance looper/delay with progressive tape disintegration granulation and surround sound.

It’s out today for MacOS, with a Windows released planned to follow “soon”.


  • Nakama is a live performance looper/delay that’s designed to create huge layers (up to one hour) of asynchronous sound in a stereo or surround setup. (2,4 or 8 channels). Nakama can process one to four separate musical instruments at the same time, with 8 tape delay/loopers and 4 granular processors.
  • Nakama can loop and delay the sound at full quality or gradually transform it with several modes of sound degradation, including tape saturation, noise, wow and flutter, sticky shed syndrome, spectral gating, data corruption and filters.
  • Nakama is designed to work with 2 4 or 8 channels. 12 sources can be placed anywhere around you or moved in orbits.
  • Recording is possible without using a DAW and if you want you can record multichannel PCM audio files.
  • All the controls are MIDI mappable.

Pricing and Availability:

Nakama is available now for Mac for 19.50€.

15 thoughts on “Giorgio Sancristoforo Intros Nakama Performance Looper With Tape Disintegration Effects & Surround Sound Support

  1. If this was made by a Japanese company I’d have no issue with it, but considering he can’t even pronounce the word nakama correctly in his own promo video, that tells me everything I need to know.

  2. Would buy if it had a different UI. Gut rot until then. Why the double think that a juvenile in a skirt is ok unless you were in the same age bracket. I’m not. Is he?

  3. Very creepy interface, if it didn’t look so pervy I might have bought it but I won’t even download a demo, it would make me very uncomfortable having an image of a Japanese schoolgirl looking at me.

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