Build A Custom DIY Effects Pedal With The Daisy Seed & Hothouse Case

Synthesist Floyd Steinberg shared this look at creating DIY effects pedals with the Electrosmith Daisy Seed & the Hothouse pedal kit.

The Electrosmith Daisy Seed is a powerful microcontroller for music applications. Cleveland Music’s “Hothouse” DIY pedal kit turns the Daisy Seed into a hardware pedal. The combination lets you create your own DSP effects and digital synthesizers, without resorting to “breadboard” prototyping.

Topics covered:

00:00 hi
01:00 build it
07:05 install the development environment
07:38 compile the examples
11:00 example 01 – mod delay
11:54 example 02 – shimmer delay
12:41 example 03 – tri chorus
13:20 example 04 – tremolo reverb
14:05 example 05 – synth, with mod delay
15:26 bye

Pricing and Availability:

The Hothouse kit is available now for $89 USD, and the Daisy Seed is available for $21.

16 thoughts on “Build A Custom DIY Effects Pedal With The Daisy Seed & Hothouse Case

  1. Thanks for sharing Floyd’s awesome video! Note that the version he assembles in the video is the earlier mono version. The current version of the Hothouse (released yesterday) is fully-stereo and can do mono-to-mono, mono-to-stereo, or stereo-to-stereo depending on how you program it. Cheers and happy hacking!

  2. Iā€™d like to hear about the latest capabilities of the Daisy itself.
    I can run PD patches directly, right?
    Which bunch of the native/vanilla modules, which externals?
    How many freeverb instances?
    Or how many sigmund instances?
    Not that Iā€™d place many sigmunds in a patch but just as a metric

    1. PD is unfortunately not that straight forward. All this info can be found on the daisy forums (even without registration).

      Loading Gen~ patching is really simple on the other hand.

      For PD, one of the best platforms I have found is the Bela hardware.

  3. These kinds of open or semi open devices are super interesting; but they seem to be aimed at users who are willing to commit the time to build, configure, troubleshoot, etc.; but also write code for their desired results.

    I’m not sure how open the Zynthian (v5), Mod Dwarf, Poly Beebo, Empress ZOIA, etc. are; but they seem to offer at least some amount of additional configurability/flexibility. Not sure how they stack up against a more standard multi-fx/modeler like HX Stomp or Fractal FM3– but I assume the latter would sound better right out of the box.

    Blokas Pisound promises high quality audio/MIDI i/o, but seems to be more for learning, experimenting, and isn’t as turn-key.

      1. It’s a fair question; I guess “sound better” is shorthand for more realism, musicality, playability. For examples: the amp modelers and reverb in both Fractal & Line 6 have evolved over quite some years of firmware updates. In their sims, dynamic response to different kinds of playing that is similar to how an amp reacts. For reverbs, there is big difference between merely adequate reverbs and those that are well-designed and perhaps more CPU hungry.

        It’s not really fair for me to comment, since I’ve only listened to demos of some of those semi-open devices; but have no direct experience.

        Though I’m intrigued by those devices; especially pisound and zynthian; I’m finding myself downgrading my expectations, as I think the concept limitless possibilities is more appealing than the real-world results.

    1. The Zoia offers a considerable degree of flexibility and configuration. Take a look at the range of patches that have been developed for the Zoia and you can see why it is still a viable option.

      And, in the larger scheme of things, using multiple unit allows you to create both instruments AND effects processors, within the same programming platform (if you can call it a platform!).

      What’s better than one Zoia? Two. What’s better than two? THREE! šŸ™‚

    2. Re: “but they seem to be aimed at users who are willing to commit the time to build, configure, troubleshoot, etc.; but also write code for their desired results”

      I think this is largely the nature of the beast in terms of the software/micro-controller development side of things, but your point is a good one. The Hothouse is aimed at people who have some know-how and interest in the DSP development space, but don’t want to muck with all the required hardware sourcing, UX and industrial process design, BOMs, etc. associated with other DIY or kit options. We’re trying to make things as turnkey as is reasonable by making available ready-to-flash effects @

      If you have a micro USB cable and a web browser that can run, you can flash any of the (growing list of) examples at with virtually no configuration of a development environment.

      But, back to your point: at least a little development experience and interest (particularly with DSP and micro-controllers) is a core competency requirement to get the most out of this sort of kit. Is it a turnkey beginner’s kit or a way to save money on a classic digital effect clone? Not exactly, but that may depend on the gumption of the individual.

      Cheers for the input and interest!

  4. I’d love to see something like that that supports Korg multi-engine effects.

    The multi-engine platform is fantastic, and I love being able to add really good custom effects to my Prologue.

    Unfortunately, the NTS-1 platform is sort of a glorified testing platform. If Korg or someone else could put the same brain in a case like this, or in a purpose-built Euro module, it would really be fantastic. This seems like a missed opportunity for Korg.

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