Sequential Prophet VS Vintage Synth Demo

This video, via Alamo Music, offers an overview and demo of the classic Sequential Prophet VS synthesizer.

The Sequential Prophet VS introduced Vector Synthesis, which lets you create complex sounds based on four oscillators.

Video Summary:

“In this video, we dive into the iconic Prophet VS, Sequential’s first and final digital synth. Featuring revolutionary Vector Synthesis, it boasts four oscillators per voice and 127 waveforms (including 32 user-defined) with dynamic crossfading via the joystick. Discover why this unique vintage synth remains a favorite among collectors and sound designers.”

Check out the video and share your thoughts on the Sequential Prophet VS in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Sequential Prophet VS Vintage Synth Demo

  1. I have warm feels for Sequential. The keyboard’s pressure sensor had unfortunate issues (hooray for the rack version), but I believe it was the first commercial vector synth. It also put wavetables up front with a post-PPG crowd. Now, those things are generally standards. The Yamaha SY22 was a poor man’s version, although it had some nice strengths of its own. The VS is a serious hall-of-fame resident.

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