New Donner L1 Synthesizer Features Detachable Keyboard (Sneak Preview)

This video, via DECIMA1, offers a sneak preview of the upcoming Donner L1 synthesizer, a new analog synth that builds on the design of the Roland SH-101.

The Donner L1 is not a straight knockoff or clone, but appears to be more of a modern take on the original SH-101. 

Official details are not available yet on the Donner site, but the L1 has a feature that promises to be very interesting. The synth is designed in two parts – the synth module and the control keyboard. This is similar in concept to what Roland did with their Boutique series, but looks like it may be a more robust design.

It will be interesting to see how Donner develops this concept. It would be cool to see them develop a series of synth modules that you could attach this keyboard to, so buyers could add a keyboard to their synth whenever they want to.

We’ll share additional info once official details are available. In the meantime, check out the video and share your thoughts on the Donner L1 synthesizer in the comments!

4 thoughts on “New Donner L1 Synthesizer Features Detachable Keyboard (Sneak Preview)

  1. Woah! How cool
    What a surprise this was to see that first on first synthtopia visit in a little while

    Hopefully they can pair this up well in jamming with their D1 drum machine/sample player

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