Synthesist Frisqo shared this ‘Ultimate DFAM Kick Guide’, exploring how the DFAM can be used as a kick drum synth.
Note that the vocal audio on this video is noisy and would have benefitted from a better mic or some cleanup in post-processing. But the audio from the synth is clear and the presentation is well organized, emphasizing audio demos:
Note that everything in this video should apply to the Behringer Edge synth, which is a knockoff of the DFAM, but the resulting sounds may be a little different because of changes Behringer made to the oscillator and filter circuits.
If you’ve got your own tips on DFAM kick drum sound design, share your tips in the comments!
it’s funny how folks put those knobs on stick pots, and it’s still to fiddly, but they leave ’em on anyway. just get a behringer 960 instead, it has range switches and real knobs and *three* channels of CV’s, plus it can go shorter than 8 steps – add another 960, and go up to 16 steps. DFAM is awesome, but that tiny sequencer is brain damaged no matter what you do.
I solved the problem of the tiny, brain damaged sequencer with this: MAFD (MIDI Adapter for DFAM) by Sonoclast
While it’s true that it’s an affordable option, the Moog Q960 clone is just a sequencer
You’d need to add a few additional modules, which could bring the total cost into the same range as the DFAM.
That said, if you prefer the warmth and organic character of the DFAM, you can always add MAFD or DFAM Thing.
Nothing fiddly about them – you are mistaken or you just made a balls of adding the knobs in the first place
And we’ve been down this road before. If you wan’t to make a DFAM from euro modules, the cost far exceeds that of an actual DFAM
fun kicks for a video….all completely useless distorted messes for an actual track….hmmpf
Hey I am the maker of this video! I use these kind of kicks in my gigs for several years and they work perfectly fine. There isn’t distortion on any of the kicks, it is just the openness of the filter which adds the harmonics. A kick sound which suits a track you can find in my video “Hypnotic Techno ft. DFAM in Ableton”
Needs a clock sync to daw