Oberheim OB-X8 Binaural & Double+ Presets

Synthesist and sound designer Matt Johnson (Jamiroquai) shared this video, demoing his new collection of patches for the Oberheim OB-X8 synthesizer.

Oberheim released a free firmware update for the OB-X8 in July that added some interesting new synthesis capabilities, including a new binaural mode, new filter modes, MPE support and more.

Johnson says that he recently updated, and he’s created a new sound library featuring the new capabilities.

Here’s what he has to say about the new sound library:

New presets making use of ther new Binaural and Double + Modes. Please note you have to have OS V2.0 firmware installed on your Oberheim in order to use these sounds.

There are 4 groups of Binaural/User sounds which go into banks 8-11 and 2 groups of Double+ sounds that go into 15 and 16, total 48 sounds.

Please note these are presets for OBX8 owners only, not samples.”

Johnson also shares his thoughts on the update and the OB-X8.

Pricing and Availability:

Oberheim OBX8 Binaural and Double+ 48 Presets is available now for £18.99.

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