In this video, synthesist Tom Churchill shares his review of the Beanie Bunnie Moo Moo, a powerful dual oscillator in Eurorack format.
The Moo Moo can create a wide array of sounds, from pure tones to complex noise:
The Moo Moo Dual Oscillator Features:
- 2 x Through Zero Analogue Oscillators
- 1 x Noise Source with dedicated Analogue State Variable Filter
- 2 x Octave Switches with CV inputs
- 2 x 2 input mixers with CV control
Pricing and Availability:
The Moo Moo oscillator is available at Perfect Circuit and other retailers. Details are still to come at the Beanie Bunnie site.
Gotta say.:.. this sounds PHAT! Need to win the lottery, stat! So I can afford a decent Modular skiff….. I mean, VCV and mi-rack are great, don’t get me wrong, but they’re no substitute for hands on:…. As shown by exhibit A (above).
This reminds me of what I’m missing….. (Gonna try to make a New Years resolution to STOP watching these videos, I think)…. Money that I haven’t got, spent on things I don’t NEED!…To put in space that I don’t have!….. Yeah, my gas is running strong at the moment!
(BUT: if I DID, this would certainly be ON my shopping list)!…. (Great Demo)!
I use a midi controller with VCV it helps with the hands on experience
This sounds grouse and all … but name one beefy VST that can’t do this.
And if you can, can you really hear the difference? Honestly??