Free Sound Library For The ASM Hydrasynth

Analoguesque Sound Designs has released a free collection of patches for the ASM Hydrasynth, Analoguesque Esoteric II.

Here’s what they have to say about the free sound library:

“This bank of 128 patches provides musicians with atmospheric punch for their compositions.

There are, of course, several basses and leads, but the bulk of the collection concentrates on atmospheric pads designed to fill, and sometimes, create spaces in a composition. There are plenty of dark and dirty pads, noisy atmospheric “factory” pads, light wispy sounds and FX, to fill out the mix in many interesting ways.

As is customary for Analoguesque Sound Designs, these are all downloadable free of charge.”


Analoguesque Esoteric II bank is available now, along 4 additional banks of free patches.

6 thoughts on “Free Sound Library For The ASM Hydrasynth

  1. This one is the dirtiest sounding yet. You should try to organize the patches into categories somehow, like putting all the basses together, and all the leads together etc.

  2. i dont understand why the factory patches are so naff… this thing has FM oscillators that can FM themselves with themselves… its crazy

    and the factory patches is like a synth bass and a whistle lead or something

  3. Question: The Hydrasynth is one the most versatile synths I know of (mine is a Hydra DLX). It almost begs for you to sit down and make patches and new sounds. In addition it’s fairly easy to tweak. But – I wonder.. Does the market for patches, free soundsets etc.. make the user lazy? Furthermore – does it somehow stand in the way of people actually learning the instrument?

  4. eivind; I like to buy a few sets for any synth I use. If you take the time to polish the standout sounds, you can learn a lot about an instrument’s powers. I don’t see it as lazy. Instead, it gives me a juicier working library and teaches me how to be a better programmer.

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