In the latest loopop review, host Ziv Eliraz offers his usual in-depth look at the new Melbourne Instruments Roto-Control, a unique MIDI controller with motorized pots.
The Roto-Control costs about $420 USD, and features fully-assignable motorized touch-sensitive knobs, user definable haptics for detailed control, high-res screens that provide easy-to-read labels for every control, and internal memory with storage for over 8000 assignments.
Topics covered:
0:00 Intro
1:45 Overview
2:50 Modes
4:25 Build
4:45 I/O
6:00 MIX mode
7:25 Automation
7:55 PLUGIN mode
8:20 Live learn
10:10 ROTO Setup
10:40 VSTs
12:00 Racks
12:50 Issues
13:05 Automation
13:40 MIDI mode
14:45 MIDI learn
16:50 Motion rec
18:45 Software
19:20 Pros & cons
23:30 Outro
Eliraz notes several issues that he’d like to see addressed:
- Automap, at the very least in instrument racks is a must I think, but since Ableton Live devices have so many parameters, it would be great to be able to pre-populate with automap and then customize
- Drum rack parameters aren’t remembered across different drums.
- If a parameter changes its name, you lose control of it (e.g., Meld, Echo)
- Need to rename racks otherwise, ROTO control doesn’t identify the rack properly – though apparently that’s a feature not a bug
- Clock sent out isn’t tracked properly by external devices in the first bar.
- I didn’t test this with every Live device so there may be other issues!
- Learning 14bit CCs doesn’t work; doesn’t support 14bit CCs with custom MSB/LSB pairs
Check out the video and share your thoughts on the Roto-Control in the comments!
Great idea! The price is surprisingly attractive, but it seems it still needs further development. Now, let’s hear from all the people who didn’t watch the video and will argue that encoders with LED rings do the same job
I wouldn’t say $420 is “surprisingly attractive” so much as just about as expected. Much less attractive to me not being an Ableton user. I did watch the video, and detents are the only thing that motorized knobs have over endless encoders with LED rings. Which may-or-may-not be worth the price to someone looking for a fairly minimal, knobby MIDI controller. Otherwise, the Fader Fox EC4 is about $100 cheaper, has more knobs, a smaller footprint, and is more fully featured.
I am a huge fan of mechanical keys, though.
The mechanical keys are one of the things I don’t like about it hehe.
And while encoders with led rings are nice indeed they require you to look at them while turning which is not something you have to do on this device once the muscle memory kicks in.
XY control
Watched the video, even Ziv argues that it doesn’t seem to be a game changer. Endless encoders with LEDs like on the Hydra or Midi Fighter as dedicated controller do the same job sans “tactile” feel (resistance). Just ask DJs or performing musicians if they miss this. Makes more sense on a mixing console imho, but even this can be solved with LED indicators and “catch” mode. Or software solutions like the MP Midi controller (hybrid actually) or the criminally underrated MetaGrid Pro for iPad.
Melbourne Instruments are painting themselves into a corner with the motorised knobs. It is an expensive luxury and few people can afford to purchase multiple synths with this feature. I would prefer to see a large MIDI synth controller with motorised knobs with an overlay for labelling that I could control other brand synths from. I would be happy to pay for the technology but I am not happy to pay for duplicate motorised controls that only work with one synth. It’s a massive waste of money. I am tied to a computer, sitting in the acoustic sweet spot and I want physical control of other instruments in the studio that are remote from my listening position.