This Sexy Music Computer Will Make You Drool

Designers Young-Shin Lee & Hae-Jin Jung came up with this design for a sexy music computer, the One Person Band: Music aficionados rejoice. The idea of having only 1 device that combines multiple instruments, track recording, equalizer, sound editing, internet connectivity, and a touchscreen interface all into one compact package is drool worthy. The Vivace makes… Read More This Sexy Music Computer Will Make You Drool

Musikmesse: Cakewalk Intros SONAR V-Studio 100

At the 2009 Frankfurt Musikmesse, Cakewalk introduced the SONAR V-Studio 100 portable music production studio. V-Studio 100  combines the most essential tools needed by music producers and performing musicians in a compact package. Features: High Speed USB 2.0 Audio Interface Universal DAW Controller Personal Digital Mixer SD WAV Recorder VS Production Pack suite of virtual… Read More Musikmesse: Cakewalk Intros SONAR V-Studio 100

Steve Jobs Intros The Apple Macintosh In 1984 Demo of the first Apple Macintosh by Steve Jobs, January 1984, in front of 3000 people. Listen for the music! Andy Hertzfeld captured the moment well in his retelling: “Pandemonium reigns as the demo completes. Steve has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face, obviously holding back tears as he is overwhelmed… Read More Steve Jobs Intros The Apple Macintosh In 1984