Redmatica Sampling Suite

2009 NAMM Show: Redmatica previewed its “next generation” sampling applications, Compendium Pro Bundle 2. The new set of applications include Keymap Pro 2, AutoSampler 2 and ProManager 3 and offers both evolutionary and revolutionary features, building over the foundation of Keymap 1.5, AutoSampler and ExsManager 2. “‘Revolutionary Evolution’ was the concept behind the entire development… Read More Redmatica Sampling Suite

Arturia Brass 2.0

At the 2009 NAMM Show, Arturia introduced Brass 2, featuring virtual recreations of three wind instruments – a trumpet, a saxophone and a trombone. The characteristics of the real instruments have been analysed and modelled by Ircam Paris using mathematical algorithms. Here’s what’s new in Brass version 2.0: New physical modelling of the saxophone Two… Read More Arturia Brass 2.0