Akai APC20 vs Novation Launchpad

http://vimeo.com/16074037 MIDI Controllers: Rupert Brown of The DSP Project offers his thoughts on the Akai APC20 vs the Novation Launchpad. The Akai APC20 vs Novation Launchpad matchup is close enough that the final decision probably comes down to your personal preferences. Check out Brown’s thoughts and then let us know what your thoughts are!

Akai APC20 Basics

[flv]http://thedspproject.com/videos/TDP%20-%2026%20-%20APC20%20Basics%20(ipod).m4v[/flv] The DSP Project’s Rupert Brown takes a look at the Akai APC20 and offers a tutorial on getting started with it. The APC20 is a junior version of the Akai APC40 MIDI Controller. Both controllers were designed for Ableton Live, in conjunction with Ableton. via Rupert Brown

Akai Intros APC20 Compact Ableton Controller – Novation Launchpad Killer

2010 NAMM Show: Akai Professional has introduced the APC20 Ableton Performance Controller. With the APC20, Akai appears to be going for Novation’s jugular, offering a larger array controllers at the Launchpads $200 street price. “The APC20 is perfect for performers who like to customize their setup with multiple controllers, or just want a more compact… Read More Akai Intros APC20 Compact Ableton Controller – Novation Launchpad Killer