The Auduino Synthesizer

Peter Knight from the crew demonstrating the Auduino. The Auduino is a sound synthesiser based on the Arduino platform. It uses granular synthesis techniques to generate a distinctive filter-sweep sound. Sound is generated by playing the same noise (‘grain’) repeatedly at very high speed. This merges into a tone that is an audible hybrid… Read More The Auduino Synthesizer

Is ModularDuino The Sound Of Future Modular Synthesis?

  2tronik01 and veqtor – Funky Arduino Acid by nitro2k01(Gameboy Genius) Gameboy Genius nitro2k01 has a vision for the future of modular synthesis, and it’s the ModularDuino – An Arduino based modular synthesizer. If that sounds like a lot of supernatural mumbo-jumbo, the Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. People are… Read More Is ModularDuino The Sound Of Future Modular Synthesis?