Analog Warfare, A Free, Full-On Triple Oscillator Bass Synth Music Software: Analog Warfare is free triple oscillator VSTi bass synthesizer for Windows that’s designed to offer deep routing possibilities. While Analog Warfare was designed with bass in mind, it’s flexible enough to be used for a wide range of purposes. If you’ve used Analog Warfare, leave a comment with your thoughts on it! Analog Warfare… Read More Analog Warfare, A Free, Full-On Triple Oscillator Bass Synth

New MIDI Bass Guitar

Industrial Radio has released Standard Midi Bass 4, a new bass guitar MIDI controller. The Standard Midi Bass 4 lets bassists plug into hardware and software synthesizers and samplers. Its fret-sensing neck and multi-sensor approach to MIDI conversion provides low-latency MIDI tracking for both the studio and live environments. With the Standard Midi Bass 4… Read More New MIDI Bass Guitar