Moogfest 2016: Bastl Instruments Intros bitRanger, ‘Patchable Handheld Analog Computer’

Bastl Instruments introduced a new product today at Moogfest 2016: the bitRanger, a handheld, patchable analog logic computer. Designer Peter Edwards (at right, in Tyrolean hat) a.k.a. Casper Electronics, says the bitRanger “brings together the legacy of the previous products debuted at Moogfest: the Moog Werkstatt and the [Teenage Engineering] Pocket Operator and bridges both… Read More Moogfest 2016: Bastl Instruments Intros bitRanger, ‘Patchable Handheld Analog Computer’

Bastl Instruments Intros New Modules, A Robo-Guitar & Stuff ‘For Modular Nerds’

At Superbooth 16, Bastl Instruments introduced three new Eurorack synth modules. Bastl Instruments has introduced three additions to their modular lineup: Dynamo, Tromsø and Hendrikson. In addition, they introduced two new complete modular systems, both focused on signal processing: Bob and Bobek, and an upgrade to their flagship modular system Rumburack 2.0. Here’s a look, via Cuckoo, at the latest Bastl modules, a robo-guitar and some… Read More Bastl Instruments Intros New Modules, A Robo-Guitar & Stuff ‘For Modular Nerds’