Korg Intros Vintage Synth T-Shirts Inspired By Doncamatic, MS-20, Trident & Mono/Poly

Korg USA has announced a collection of retro-style t-shirts that pay tribute to classic Korg electronic musical products: Inspired by Korg promotional art of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, the Korg Vintage T-Shirt Collection captures the retro-cool of some of the hippest, fattest synths ever. Artwork is screen printed on 100% cotton shirts with a… Read More Korg Intros Vintage Synth T-Shirts Inspired By Doncamatic, MS-20, Trident & Mono/Poly

Techno Hoodies Turn Foreplay Into Weird Electronic Music

http://vimeo.com/8707261 Ewelina Aleksandrowicz’s Barbwired is a wearable art project that uses two wearable tech garments – what we call techno hoodies – stitched with FSRs ( force sensitive resistors ) and patches of conductive thread, to turn foreplay into weird electronic music: “Sensual feelings, toxic obsessions, intense emotions” Aleksandrowicz says, “are translated through physical contact… Read More Techno Hoodies Turn Foreplay Into Weird Electronic Music