Focusrite Plug-in Suite

2009 NAMM Show Update: Focusrite introduced its first collection of VST/AU plug-ins, the awesomely titled Focusrite Plug-in Suite. The Focusrite Plug-in Suite offers a high-end collection of EQ, compression, reverb and gating VST/AU plug-ins for tracking and mixing: The Compressor and Gate have been modeled on Focusrite’s hardware devices, using the measurement of Focusrite’s custom optos… Read More Focusrite Plug-in Suite

Fighting The “Loudness Wars”

In the last twenty-five years, the music industry’s loudness wars has led labels to record, produce and broadcast music at progressively increasing levels of overall loudness. The video above highlights the effects of over-compression to make “louder” records. Turn Me Up! is a non-profit music industry organization campaigning to give artists back the choice to release more dynamic records:… Read More Fighting The “Loudness Wars”

Free Tape Saturation Plug-In For Mac

1-Time is a free mono tape saturation plugin for Macs.  Description: It can smooth out harsh transients, add weight to kicks, and more. There is only one setting and only one knob that adjusts the gain. It is a handy and useful tool and it’s free!.  via Making-Music

ART Ships TCS – Twin Compression System

Applied Research and Technology (ART) is now shipping the Twin Compression System (TCS). The TCS is a two-channel compressor intended for a wide range of audio processing applications. Both an Opto-isolator compressor and VCA compressor are featured. Users may select one of the compressor styles, or combine the two depending on their needs and techniques.… Read More ART Ships TCS – Twin Compression System