Insane Casio Keyboard Mod

Metku Mods, a hardware modding site, has an interesting step-by-step photo essay on modding a Casio CTK 530 keyboard. Why spend hours turning a cheesy Casio keyboard into a control keyboard that only offers limited control? Here’s modder Jani Pönkkö’s reason: When not modding, I usually compose some music. As an input device for the… Read More Insane Casio Keyboard Mod

MidiSense – A DIY MIDI Sensor Interface

Limor Fried, creator of the very cool x0xb0x 303 DIY project, has released MIDIsense, described as “a simple, yet extensible sensor interface system for artists, musicians and others interested in experimenting with sensors.” The MIDIsense boards provide a simple way to integrate various common sensors with existing software such as Max/MSP, Ableton Live, etc. or… Read More MidiSense – A DIY MIDI Sensor Interface

DIY Minimoog

Ever wish you could had a Minimoog, but don’t want to shell out the dollars that new Voyagers go for, or that classic Minimoogs go for on eBay? If you’re into synth DIY, you might consider building your own Minimoog. This site has details on a Minimoog diy project. “After playing on many different synths… Read More DIY Minimoog


Bent-Tronics is a site that carries specialty electronic parts for circuit-bending and other electronic experimentation. Its selection is small, but it carries many items for benders that can be hard to find. Their selection includes body contacts, potentiometers, knobs, LEDs, connectors, switches and tools. Bent-Tronics