Tonewheels Turn Graphics Into Sound

Check out this interesting electroacoustic performance by Derek Holzer! Tonewheels is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound, inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music inventions. Transparent tonewheels with repeating patterns are spun over light-sensitive electronic circuitry to produce sound and light pulsations and textures. This all-analog set is performed entirely… Read More Tonewheels Turn Graphics Into Sound

Plasma Disk Synthesizer Controller

This video by hilltree captures some tests with using a plasma disk to control a synthesizer arpeggiator: The whole thing just act like a kaoss pad with a funky lightshow…cool huh? Notice the multimeter and the duspol, they react, but there are no wires on that !!!!

A Guide To Tangible Music Interfaces

Martin Kaltenbrunner has published a very nice overview of tangible musical interfaces, focusing on table-top controllers, such as music tables and audio building blocks. Projects featured include: Audiopad – a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. Audio d-touch… Read More A Guide To Tangible Music Interfaces

Processing Sound Using Photoshop

Audio Cookbook’s John Keston is doing some interesting experiments with processing sound using Photoshop: Sound designers, musicians, producers and engineers are all familiar with manipulating sound through the use of audio processing. Most examples of processing, like filters, reverbs, and delays produce a relatively predictable result. I’m interested in processing that has an unpredictable result.… Read More Processing Sound Using Photoshop

Neil Steiner’s Zinc Negative Resistance Sound Synthesizer

via Nyle Steiner: An electronic sound composition is made entirely of sounds produced using zinc negetive resistance audio oscillator circuits. No vacuum tubes or transistors were used to generate the sounds.  Several tracks of the zinc oscillator sounds were recorded one at a time. Some of the sounds were enhanced with the addition of reverb.… Read More Neil Steiner’s Zinc Negative Resistance Sound Synthesizer