Free Music Friday – Ambient Glitch Jazz From The North Of Norway

Free Music Friday: Reader Stig Fostervold let us know about a new release by kr(Æ)ft, We can’t always fight nature, John: kr(Æ)ft is an electronic act from the north of Norway, with a taste for jazz, ambient and glitch. If you imagine a CD filled with electro-remixes of jazz-tunes, skipped across the asphalt on a summer-morning, you’re on… Read More Free Music Friday – Ambient Glitch Jazz From The North Of Norway

Pat Metheny Explains Why He’s Working With Music Robots On “Orchestrion” Pat Metheny has released a series of videos that look at his Orchestrion project – creating a new album and tour that features a backup band made up of robotic musicians. The series is fascinating. Metheny is doing some really unique work with his Orchestrion project. Metheny talks about what turned him on to… Read More Pat Metheny Explains Why He’s Working With Music Robots On “Orchestrion”