The MacBeth Touch Keyboard Stereo Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

Saturday Synth Porn: This unique instrument is a prototype, created by Ken MacBeth, of a new Touch Keyboard Stereo Synthesizer.  He shared this image of the prototype, along with these comments, at his Facebook page: Whilst the Micromac- D is in production- I’ve been concentrating on another ambitious project- a touch keyboard stereo synthesizer! I have… Read More The MacBeth Touch Keyboard Stereo Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

The MacBeth X-Series MicroMac-D Synthesizer

Saturday Synth Porn: Here are the first pics, via Ken MacBeth, of the new MacBeth Studio Systems MicroMac-D desktop analog synthesizer. MacBeth describes the MicroMac-D as “The fattest vintage sounding desktop analogue synthesizer available.” Here are a couple more views of the new synth:

MacBeth M5N Synth Jam

Sunday Synth Jam: Bruno Ender Lee‘s synth jams frequently feature the monstrously huge sounds of his Moog-style modular synthesizer. In his latest video song, MacBeth M5N, though, Lee coaxes equally huge analog sounds out of his MacBeth Studio Systems M5N semimodular synthesizer. Lee notes, “Every sound was made with MacBeth Studio Systems M5N & Doepfer… Read More MacBeth M5N Synth Jam