Xen-Arts IVOR2 Offers New Options For Microtonal Synthesis

Xen-Arts has introduced IVOR2, a major update to their free Ivor microtonal virtual analog synthesizer for Linux & WIndows. IVOR2 is designed to be microtonal sound-designer’s virtual analog synthesizer, with a workflow tailored to microtonal synthesis. It’s also designed to be an educational tool for learning about subtractive sound synthesis and musical instrument intonation (microtuning and xenharmonics).

New iPad Synth, Shoom, Offers Three Synth Engines, Microtonal Support

Developer Yuri Turov has introduced Shoom, an ‘expressive XY pad synthesizer’ that offers three identical synth engines and support for both 12-tone equal temperament and xenharmonic + microtonal music. Features: Three independent synthesizers 20–20,000 Hz pitch range Slide freely or snap notes to scale with adjustable glide rate Set notes to infinite hold using a… Read More New iPad Synth, Shoom, Offers Three Synth Engines, Microtonal Support

microSketch Lets You Experiment With Microtonal Equal-Tempered Tuning

Op 133 Studios has introduced MicroSketch – an iPad music app for playing and experimenting with equal divisions of the octave other than the standard 12-tone scale. WIth MicroSketch, octave divisions can be anything from 7 to 96. The app is polyphonic up to the capabilities of your device’s processor (typically 24 voices) and multi-timbral with 16… Read More microSketch Lets You Experiment With Microtonal Equal-Tempered Tuning

Free XenFont Microtonal Hybrid Synth VSTi For Windows

Xen-Arts has released XenFont – a two oscillator, hybrid SF2 SoundFont & Subtractive Synthesis VST for Windows. It features full-controller MIDI Pitch Microtuning, using the MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard) format, where any MIDI Note Number can be freely microtuned to any desired pitch across the MIDI range, enabling computer musicians and composers to explore the… Read More Free XenFont Microtonal Hybrid Synth VSTi For Windows

Free Microtonal Software Synthesizer For Windows, Ivor

Free Music Software: Xen-Arts has introduced IVOR – a two-oscillator subtractive synthesizer that features full-controller MIDI Pitch Microtuning using MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard). Any MIDI Note Number can be freely microtuned to any desired pitch across the MIDI range, enabling musicians and composers to explore the expressive possibilities of composing music with alternative intonation systems.