Arturia iMini – A Virtual Minimoog Synth For The iPad

Arturia has released, iMini, a software recreation of the classic Minimoog for the iPad. iMini is based on Arturia Mini V software, originally created in partnership with Dr. Robert Moog, back in 2003. iMini comes with a large collection of preset sounds, created by Klaus Schulze (Tangerine Dream), Geoff Downes (Asia) and other sound designers.… Read More Arturia iMini – A Virtual Minimoog Synth For The iPad

Gary Numan Cleans Out His Attic, Finds Cooler Stuff Than We’ve Got In Our Attic

Saturday Synth Porn: Ever clean out the attic, and find a vintage Moog Minimoog that you’d forgotten about? Probably not – unless you’re Gary Numan: “Clearing out my garage loft yesterday, cut away some ivy creepers & found this!” tweets Gary Numan. “Original spec MiniMoog!” Our take on this is that, if you’ve never owned an… Read More Gary Numan Cleans Out His Attic, Finds Cooler Stuff Than We’ve Got In Our Attic

Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis A Treat For Vintage Synth Fans

Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis is a lush album of synth music, featuring a collection of longer melodic electronic tracks that should appeal to fans of classic synth bands and vintage synths alike. In making Metamorphosis, Emmens used old analog instruments only, without MIDI. Only CV/GATE was used, on the sequences. Emmens explains: During the summer of… Read More Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis A Treat For Vintage Synth Fans