PetSynth Turns Commodore PET Computer Into A Synthesizer

It’s starting to look like old 8-bit computers are the new Roland TB-303. Petsynth is a free, open source application described as “the only program for rocking the Commodore PET that the cool kids use”: Petsynth features a two-octave keyboard layout, selectable note length, many selectable octaves, selectable pulse-width, vibrato, distortion, and noise or “drum… Read More PetSynth Turns Commodore PET Computer Into A Synthesizer

Flavio Rodriguez’s Eléctrico Is Either Awesome Or Puke-tacular Video of the new song Eléctrico of Flavio Rodriguez, presented by Little Red Corvette Records and Pressrec productions. This is either puke-tacular or awesome. The extreme over-the-top retro cheesiness – combining everything that was bad about the 80s with everything that’s bad with current pop music, along with the gratuitous keytarage, is making me… Read More Flavio Rodriguez’s Eléctrico Is Either Awesome Or Puke-tacular

Superbrothers’ Dot Matrix Revolution

Following an early morning status check of their vintage electronic equipment, two computer engineers “throw down” in an awkward dance-off that seems to (inaccurately) echo the development of information technology and the Internet from 1951 up to the present day (!?). This is the second film by Superbrothers, and features a fun retronica soundtrack by Jim Guthrie. If you… Read More Superbrothers’ Dot Matrix Revolution