Moon Modular Intros Moog-Compatible Sequencing System
At Superbooth, we talked with Moon Modular designer Gert Jalass about their Moog-compatible sequencing system.
At Superbooth, we talked with Moon Modular designer Gert Jalass about their Moog-compatible sequencing system.
At Superbooth 16, we talked with Manuel (Manu) Richter, who runs the LeafAudio synth DIY workshops across Europe, and also sells DIY kits via Exploding Shed. He gave as an introduction to what they do and to the DIY modules that they have available.
At Superbooth 16, iPad music software was well-represented, in large part because of the presence of members of members of Musik App Manufaktur – a collective of developers of iOS apps. They were presenting their applications, zMors Modular, Modstep. Triqtraq and Elastic Drums and also showing how they could be used in combination, using the recently introduced Ableton Link.… Read More iPad Music Apps At Superbooth 16
At Superbooth 16, we talked with Leaf Audio’s Manuel (Manu) Richter about the Noise Banana – a simple synth, based on a CMOS oscillator, with power starving and light control.
At Superbooth 16, William Mathewson of WMD gave us a sneak preview of their upcoming Performance Mixer:
At Superbooth 16, we talked with WMD’s Tyler Thompson about the Neutron Sound Orgone Accumulator, which WMD was presenting in their booth.
Superbooth 16: In this video, via DivKid, Eurorack format creator Dieter Doepfer runs through his latest modules and previews some new designs. This official video from Superbooth 16 captures an overview and demo, by Girts and KODEK of Erica Synths, of their upcoming Pico Eurorack modules.
Soundmachines has announced details for their recently introduced Modulör114 Eurorack analog modular synthesizer. The Modulör114 is an all-in-one analog modular synthesizer, designed to be used as a complete Eurorack synth voice or as an independent synth module.
At Superbooth 16, Rossum Electro-Music introduced the Assimil8or 8-channel sampler for Eurorack modular synthesizers. The Assimil8or is currently under development, so creator Dave Rossum was offering sneak preview at Superbooth: