Bach vs Breakdancers = Red Bull Flying Bach Red Bull, the drink, may be an abomination. It’s officially not made from “bulls’ testicles or semen”, but Red Bull contains so many synthetic substances that some think it tastes like it is, anyway. Red Bull, the music marketer, though, is pretty innovative. And why not? If they can get you to drink something… Read More Bach vs Breakdancers = Red Bull Flying Bach

Wiimote-Controlled Bach – The MetaGoldberg Variations Sunday Synth Jams: This video captures a performace of the MetaGoldberg Variations – Wiimote-controlled Bach: In this version, performers use a Nintendo wireless controller to modulate dynamics, tempo, and incidence of looping. Computer programmed in Max strictly follows the 32 bar harmonic structure composed by Bach, but it’s possible to jump from variation to… Read More Wiimote-Controlled Bach – The MetaGoldberg Variations

Dana Countryman’s Moog-Tastic, Electronic Melodies From The 25th Century

Dana Countryman is keeping the switched-on sound of classic Moog music alive and has announced a new album, in the Mooged-out tradition, Moog-Tastic, Electronic Melodies From The 25th Century: Some of the talented guests who played on the CD are: Ace guitarist Skip Heller, who flew in from L.A., to lay down some groovy bossa… Read More Dana Countryman’s Moog-Tastic, Electronic Melodies From The 25th Century